I’m pretty new to Flash and I have a project to work on that I think the easiest way to get working is by using either comboboxes or listboxes to navigate to different scenes. The list will be populated by say, a person’s name, and when you select that name on the list it will then go to the frame with that person’s infomation. But for the life of me I can’t find any helpful tutorial. If anyone can help it would be greatly appreciated.
Why do you think it would be best with comboboxes? (Just wondering)
The trick to combo boxes is the change handler. This little fella is located at the bottom of your screen in the properties panel for the combo box.
name your frames (instead of using numbers. This will make your code much more flexible). For example, I will call frame 1 Alex (you name your frames by clicking on the frame and going to the bottom left of your properties panel). Frame 2 will be Joe Frame 3 will be Akuo
I will fill the combo box with my labels and data. Labels are what you want the user to see. Data is what the selection means to your program. Lucky for us, they are all going to be the same.
So, when you double click on the [] for Labels, you will enter
Alex, Joe, Akuo
Do the same for Data
under change handler, type OnChange (that is a made up name, you can call it missy. It doesnt matter)
Now in the first frame of your main movie and on a different layer, you will type the code described below (everyone normally has a different layer where they keep their code. I, like most people, call mine Actions (that is the name of my layer))
onChange = function(fcombobox){
I compiled a little example for you to play with.
Happy Hunting and... Flash someone you love today!
I think comboboxes would be best mostly because they are unobtrusive and won’t take up too much of the flash real estate. Though I’m sure there are a million different ways to accomplish what I’m trying to do. Basically I have like 50 presentations (powerpoint, word, etc) that I need to group together using flash as a hub, and I’m using the combobox as a search method, search by school or presenter.