Using Loaded Variables For Loading Images

[size=1]Objective: Load variables from a text file named [color=red]picData.txt[/color] into a movie clip on the root timelines with an instance name of [color=blue]mainHolder[/color]. Then I want to load an image that is defined as a variable in the [color=red]picData.txt[/color] file I load.

Problem: After loading the variables from the [color=red]picData.txt[/color] text file into a movie on the root timeline with an instance of [color=blue]mainHolder[/color] the variables could not be accessed. I tried [color=gray]trace();[/color] and everything.

Note: The [color=red]picData.txt[/color] is located in the same directory as the Flash file.[/size]



[color=blue]Frame 1:[/color]

loadVariables("picData.txt", "_root.mainHolder");