Variable Hyperlink

I have a button that reads:

on (release) {
getURL(“"+domain_txt+"&tld_extension="+ext+"&submit=Lookup+Domain+>>”, “_blank”, “POST”);

I have a box that has the instance name of “domain_txt” and a selectable component box of the instance name “ext”

All of these three things are on different layers. When the window opens in a new window, the bar at the top says like:


Any idea?

The window popups into a pph file which takes the POSTEd data and puts it into a text box…

Thanks guys.

Basically looking for a tut or some info on variable hyperlinks

I think you must refer to the text of the textboxes, not to the boxes themselves.
on (release) {
getURL(“"+domain_txt.text+"&tld_extension="+ext.text+"&submit=Lookup+Domain+>>”, “_blank”, “POST”);
notice the .text after your vars.

thanks… will try it when i get home!


except the “ext” is a scrolldown component… any idea how to get the data from the component?

“.value” maybe.
check the “components dictionary” in the help panel. all the components and their preferences is shown there.

thanks man… this is a very helpful forum

you’re welcome. and I must agree with you - the forum is very helpful and very educational!!!

darn… can’t find the component value… do you know where i could find a list…

they are called values, right? I didn’t try .value, but I’m unsure where I would find it though.

I’ve never heard of a “Scrolldown” component.
But all the components are in your helppanel.

Help > Using components > Components dictionary > Your component.

ah ok… the scrolldown component is the preinstalled one entitled “combo box”