VB C+ And Database help

I have been assigned a project that will require a knowlege of Visual Basic 6, C+, in an SQL, Microsoft Access database. I was wondering if there were any “crash course” type tutorials about this stuff…I would also like to have a chat with someone who has
done this type of thing. Kirupa cats have NEVER let me down, so I thank you all in advance


JMKM Productions

<B>Raydred</B> (member of the forum) works with C# (not C+, but C#), ASP.NET and things like that, perhaps he will know.

Heres his profile…

I am pretty sure he won’t mind if you PM or e-mail him.

hears hero music… Did someone say Raydred?!

hehe jk

which DB will you be using, SQL, or Access, they are diff…

as for vb 6 and c+ i have never done c+ (but im geting good at c#) and vb6 i just hate lol hmm im sure there are tons of resources online, what i ussually do is go to google.com and type the computer language im looking for then the subject ex: c+ tutorials… http://www.google.com/search?hl=en&ie=UTF-8&oe=UTF-8&q=c%2B+tutorials

anyway hope this helps maybe if you describe a bit of what you need to do i can help you further =)

I guess I am in trouble…
okay, here’s the setup

>10-12 ppl using the same database. (password protected)
>Built using Access 97
>Languages used are C++ and VB 6
>Everything of course on a server…(SQL ?)
>WHOLE bunch of data
>I hate VB too…(from what I have learned thusfar)
>My task will be to “maintain” this database.
>It is already built.
>In the future, I will tranfer the data and use Access with MDAC, Coldfusion, Dreamweaver, Flash…ect. (the stuff I understand)
>To “maintain” such a database, I need to AT LEAST have a knowledge about how the “guts” of this thing work.
>Just a basic layout in lamen’s terms for SQL server technology would help.
>Oh, it is also linked up to a local intranet
>The “guru” that built this thing left.
>I will either become “guru II”, or fill in untill the next guru is found.
