haven’t done one of these in a while so was a little rusty when doign this but i think it came out ok. any critiques please?
haven’t done one of these in a while so was a little rusty when doign this but i think it came out ok. any critiques please?
Wow, I could only dream of creating a vector as good as that.
IMO it would have been better if you used a woman instead of man.
that is great eyecandy :D:thumb:
woah, nice! looks awesome:)
i agree with absent though;)
Very good work! :thumb: is this a religious piece in any way?
I’m impressed, especially the stubble. Where’s his armpit hair
lol, unofortunately the stule and hair are around 3,000 objects so my machine couldn’t cope with any more hair of any kind so he has to go bald under the arms,
thanks much guys for all the compliments, much appreciated. i’ll have to keep doing them i think.
Amazing. This graphic is my new background haha. Really, fantastic job…makes me wish I could do vector art
:stunned: wow that’s amazing - and I like that it is a man, something different around here :sure:
One thing though - I know his torso is twisted but he needs at least a hint of the other nipple. It looks a little weird without.
Its nice…
But where is the nipple? And does he shave is armpits
Hmm, I fancy a coke…
Very nice stuff.
read the posts form the beginning…
read the posts form the beginning…
oops sorry
Nice for once we get a nice vector that isn’t a 1/2 naked girl or a high-end sports car.
or a motorcycle
Great stuff
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