
Oh boy how i love nVidia! never have i had more troubble witha comp. not only can i barley ever see a pic anymore, hmm lets see, my screen flashes on and off but stays on and parts of the windows are gone, i cant wait to bring this in…

^ cleaned up

i <3 nvidia. never have i had more problems with computers. NEVER.

Doesn’t sound too good :frowning: I haven’t heard too much complaints about nVidia. What exactly is wrong ? Btw, what’s “<3” supposed to be ?

Thats rough bro…

But c’mon man. You cant talk like that here.

a heart.

no it doesnt sound good. whenever i click it flashesh my monitor. none of the images work and now it seems to be frozen. and this is all so unexpected. i just hope i dont have to nuke the drive cause i will be so pissed to loose all my artwork again…

*Originally posted by fester8542 *
**Thats rough bro…

But c’mon man. You cant talk like that here. **

i know, i just edited it. i am just so pissed.

If you’re afraid to loose your artwork, copy it to another pc NOW !

Put it all in a file and upload it to your server mike

nah i just edited it again.

*Originally posted by *
Oh boy how i love nVidia! never have i had more troubble witha comp. not only can i barley ever see a pic anymore, hmm lets see, my screen flashes on and off but stays on and parts of the windows are gone, i cant wait to bring this in…

^ cleaned up

i <3 nvidia. never have i had more problems with computers. NEVER. **

Tisk tisk, you forgot your sarcasm tags!

I’m sorry dude, have you tried putting the latest drivers on?

i did when i frist got it three weeks ago. i am bringing it in later today…just pissed that it happend again.

ok well i got a call today and this is waht happend:

i had to small of a powersupply to run my comp, so it fried the gfx card. so this is steh fix, i went over board but eh, no new comp for a bit :stuck_out_tongue:

new case with at least a 300watt powersupply

256 megs of DDR Ram

new mobo and 2000+ amd xp chip

and a **** load of memory along with an FX card woot!