Oh boy how i love nVidia! never have i had more troubble witha comp. not only can i barley ever see a pic anymore, hmm lets see, my screen flashes on and off but stays on and parts of the windows are gone, i cant wait to bring this in…
^ cleaned up
i <3 nvidia. never have i had more problems with computers. NEVER.
no it doesnt sound good. whenever i click it flashesh my monitor. none of the images work and now it seems to be frozen. and this is all so unexpected. i just hope i dont have to nuke the drive cause i will be so pissed to loose all my artwork again…
*Originally posted by mdipi.com *
Oh boy how i love nVidia! never have i had more troubble witha comp. not only can i barley ever see a pic anymore, hmm lets see, my screen flashes on and off but stays on and parts of the windows are gone, i cant wait to bring this in…
^ cleaned up
i <3 nvidia. never have i had more problems with computers. NEVER. **
Tisk tisk, you forgot your sarcasm tags!
I’m sorry dude, have you tried putting the latest drivers on?