Version 2

I’ve been playing around with how I want the new version of my site to look after I came to the realization that the gumball machine was not “professional” enough for my web design business. I’ve spent about an hour and a half in photoshop making this layout, and it’s not quite completed yet. I think I am going to go with this one though, because I feel that it is one of my better photoshop works (I’m still a photoshop n00b). I am then going to import it into flash and make the site out of flash. What do you think? Also, I am still doing to add another thing in the blank are for my secondary navigation, but my brain has run out of computing power for the night. Up until about 15 minutes ago, it was orange instead of red, which looked pretty good, but I just spontaneously changed it to red. What color scheme do you think would go well with the background, red? orange? icy blue? yellow? lime green? I had a bit of trouble with that, but suggestions are welcome.

btw, this is not watermarked, so plz don’t take advantage :wink: lol