Tell me how to improve it!!! Check out the file below
Tell me how to improve it!!! Check out the file below
Hey thanks CanadianGuy, yea i think that would be a good idea aswell…but im still having some truble as to what i should do for the top right hand corner <the white table>? i want to add some graphics and some text, i have some pics that my friend had sent me to put on the site, but the pics are not good looking, i donno how would i be able to improve them using photoshop 7 which is what i have… i wana get rid of the background in the photos and just make them have a white background with some shadows and possible ciling lighting to make it look, more professional… ?? and ideas, tips, suggestions…
can some one give some advice as to what would me appropriate to add to the right hand side the white spot to make it look nicer…come one, my brain is stuck> and im having truble with the pics i got, cause they have such complex background and i cant seem to extract the background in ps…!!! is there a super easy tool for that…???
for the white spot…how bout another image and some captions? (eg company keywords)
perhaps fade the image a little. or you could try just some abstract design.
Here’s the new and improved version? what do you guys think???
looking good:).
the orange doesnt really go too well on the dark-greenish background. also, the small thumbnails below the product spotlight look a little…out of place. i think it’s something to do with them simply being cropped/scaled and put there.
The orange looks fine but its a bit to bold.
I think that this is one kick butt layout man! You did a really nice job - is it going to be Flash or HTML?
I like the first layout. I’d make that orange stripe above the image a tad longer, downward, allign the nav to the image, and pad to the left of the logo. I like the other white space, simplistic is good.
oh, and scale the logo so that it’s the same height as the t.
Thanks all :)))) i really appriciate the input! it means alot to me!! ok first thing to change would have to be to downscale the logo with the “T” in Metal!. and the pics, are yes, downscaled and croped that way, this is meant to be a proposal for the client, i know im not good at this busniess stuff of webdesign, but than again i work alone so it’s much harder to do everything yourself…as this is a business realted site, that will showcase it’s handmade metal and wood furniture, i think i will stick with HTML, although for some odd reason im getting an error thing at the bottom of my IE window, is there a way to check my synatax with DWMX2004PRO? i have two more questions…
in need HELP! with creating a pic gallery, should i use a flash based one or html, if html, do i have to use frames? and the other thing would have to be, how can i take the pics i got from the client and CLEAN remove the background, which are rather complex considering he took them outside with trees, cars, cell phones, coffee cups everywhere around the main area of the pic???
You guys have be AWSOME! i love this forum
My suggestions for what you are asking:
A flash pic galleryr would be good looking, and I believe there is a tutorial (or at least loooong thead) about it here. As for an html one, does the client have mysql/php available, as that’s what you’re going to need, and then no, no frames needed, includes are used sort of like frames. If you need any help, I made a pretty good file uploading file, that I wouldn’t mind sharing, and have a fairly easy to customize little navigation thing I built around another turorial, that allows you to make the <<prev 123 next>> links pretty well and not hard to change.
As for the pics… I suppose just zoom in, select around them, and try to just cut it out best you can…
cool nice layout, i like the progression. One major issue, that orange type on that green background is plain nasty.Try a darker tint of that background for the font colour, orange in no way works there. also for the type on the top right, maybe drop 1px size down for that, i think it would look neater if its a little smaller.
that photo looks great… love the modern appeal.
keep at it
Thanks for the tips :)) you guys are awsome!! k well first off i have not found a provider yet, as this is just a proposal and basically the client is lazy and wants me to do EVERYTHING, which includes running around finding a hosting company and registering it’s domain, etc etc…to sum it all up, EVERYTHING to do with building a website! blahh…but yea.! ok first of i donno but think the company im looking into does have a mySQL/PHP server hence: includes support for it so yea… id like to check out your photo gallery code, also, how would i be able to make all my pages in php. and would there be an increase in speed or anything??? soulty: which part of the text looks nasty??? id like to know what to change. thanks a million you guys:)
nasty type = all orange type on greenish backgrounds.
ahh ok thanks! yea, maybe i should just use light grey instead?
maybe a light grey, or white, or a lighter version of the background colour or darker version of the background colour… experiment a little.
hahaha thanks! we posted the same thing at the same time
hahaha thanks! we posted the same thing at the same time can you recommend a way to create a nice flash based image gallery ???
have you seen the tutorials here at kirupa? have you got any ideas in mind? if you have a unique gallery idea then pass it by the flash threads to see how you can go about coding it. for now brainstorm before you get into anything.
ok thanks // i have downloaded a few .fla’s from kirupa fourms, but im still having difficulties getting them to work as i would like them to work, my main ideas is to have an .swf be added to a webpage using dreamweaver and have it retrive pics from a folder, and enale the user to click on the thumbnail and have it reside based on the pic size?..i had something like that, but for some odd reason i does not seem to work!
here are the files
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