Very simple problem even for a newbie

Hi this is going to make me seem stupid, but im just lazy I guess. I want to load a new movie with the loadmovie command on level 0 to replace the already loaded movie that I have, also on level 0. Its just choppy when it loads at first, shows the grey background of flash for a sec then loads. How can I make it load quicker so it doesnt chop up or preload it in my current movie so its smooth. Easy answer I know, but I cant find it myself can someone help me please would be great, thanks. Pinner.

hmmm… never had this problem. Do you have an example swf that we can see?


You can see what im talking about at Everytime it loads a new movie, it shows the grey background for a few secs, after it loads into cache it doesnt do it anymore though, think i have to preload each movie or something.
When you click on the lower right button, it happens again(only button working now)

that’s interesting.

the only way of completely illiminating that, I think, would be to change the color of the html, or loading the movie into level1 instead of level0. If you load it into level1, the level0 movie wont’ be unloaded before the new one loads… which is probebly why you see the html background color.

not a hundred percent on that mind you… but it’s worth trying.

oops… just saw Guig’s reply.

Maybe change the background color in your object tag in the html code

that sounds like a good idea to try as well. either could work for you. Try both.