Hey guys
Any body know the names of some video editing softwares which the pros use… plz let me know…
i know a.premiere…uleads… and macs… is there ne others …plz let me know
well if you have a Mac the Final Cut Pro is pretty good.
Media 100 844i which is real time and lots of layers of video. Not mac based, but that’s ok (LONG LIVE APPLE!!)
Vegas Video 3… literally one of the greatest.
The blend between FCP and DVD Studio Pro is a BIG plus, if your going to be authoring DVD’s it’s probably the best choice.
I would also give a look to Letich DPS, tons of realtime layers and effects. If DV is your main aquisition format, then Avid’s DV is another good option.
If cost is not much concern, consider Incite V3.0 on Matrox Digi LE with MAX( http://www.inciteonline.com )
Hope that gives ya some new ideas
Theres alot of professionals useing Adobe Preimer and Adobe After Effects for their video production. In fact, Adoby After effects is one of the best speciall effects video edting software ive ever seen or used. But then again my productions are very small =)
There is many of them out there…
I use premiere for all my dv video.
alot of the pros( movie industry) also use Avid Xpress DV, Fire or Combustion by Discreet, or Speed Razor …
these are High end editing appz .
they also have high end kick *** computers (mainly g4’s) hehe =)
Discreet Combustion is my fav.