This has been troubling me for some time now. I would LOVE to create a menu, on which I can scroll up and down and side to side threw out this menu, using the arrow keys. Every where I go, people have sweet turtorials on how to create these amazing menu’s, but… you use your mouse to select the buttons and such. Now I did have a thought, perhaps just create a movie clip and when on key down just move it say, 20 px down soo i looks like it is moving to the next line of text, and when i do that just give a variable say, i called this variable currentSelection, and when i press (X) i read currentselection and go to that scene… Now i know this works, I have tried this myself, but i was wondering if there was a way i could do it, threw array’s or like so i do not have to be soo specific. If this makes sense to anyone, or if you know of any tutorials out there, please! leave a reply It would be greatly apreciated!!!