Vista RC2 audio driver problem

Hi Folks, I’m running Window’s Vista RC2 and today a screen prompt tells me that My Creative audio driver will timeout on Jan 10th. I went to Creative’s site and downloaded driver file XFXA_VTDRV_LB_1_04_0065.exe but upon attempting to install it the following splash screen reads:

Sound Blaster Extreme Audio Vista Driver Update 1 “Setup is unable to detect a supported
product on your system. Please ensure that your product is properly installed before running this setup program. Setup will exit.”

This driver supposedly just became available Dec29th. Upon subsequent attempts at installing the driver I get the same result, nada.

I’ve contacted Creative and they’re not being chit for help. Their auto-reply suggests that I won’t be getting any support from them. I’m running win XP and RC2 in a dual boot config with Vista being the primary OS.

Anyone here got anything for help on this? I’d like to be able to just get the RTM when it comes out soon but I dunno if I can upgrade from it and also hoping it can overwrite without disturbing my current OS configs -took me ■■■■ near forever to get this OS tweaked so it runs smoothly.

Any help/info appreciated! :slight_smile:
