IshiXP: Vroom as in the sound kids make when they play with toy cars (or anything that moves fast), “F” as in a grade.
Nali: Or maybe it was rocketShip… you know how confusing the meaning of that word can be :sure: Or how about “experimental”… that sounds DIRTY!!! Seriously though, I don’t get why it would be filter blocked, there is absolutely nothing on there adult or ****ographic.
*Originally posted by lostinbeta *
**IshiXP: Vroom as in the sound kids make when they play with toy cars (or anything that moves fast), “F” as in a grade.
ahhhh i get it
*Originally posted by lostinbeta *
**Nali: Or maybe it was rocketShip… you know how confusing the meaning of that word can be :sure: Or how about “experimental”… that sounds DIRTY!!! Seriously though, I don’t get why it would be filter blocked, there is absolutely nothing on there adult or ****ographic. **
*Originally posted by lostinbeta *
**Ok Thor, let me know if I am on the right track…
I changed…[AS]i>1000 ? i=0 : i++;[/AS]
To…[AS]i = (i+1)%1000;[/AS]
Close? Or no cigar? **
yeah, that’s one location you can change. what i was talking about, actually was when you move the spaceship, when it moves off either the right or bottom edge, you mod the location, and it appears in the opposite side. now the i think of it, when you move off the left or upper, that mod won’t work, so you’re probably better off with what you have. and also, since i’m a nut for optimization, changing that code you had above is in fact one. if you notice, your first code has a condition that it must have, then it can either take one of two paths, whereas with the modulus operator, it is indifferent with the value, so nothing is tested. this is in fact quite useful when you’re dealing with loads of similar conditions.
Thor: Thanks! And yeah I thought about using modulo for resetting the location when it passes out of the borders but I couldn’t get it to work right so I stuck with that method. I did, as you saw, get modulo working for the levels of bubbles, that was an easy one to figure out. Thanks for the tip-off on that, I would have never thought to use modulo in place of that had you not had me scope out my code. I am real bad at optimization
[m]: It’s got curves like an hourglass… oh … err… I mean thanks
EG: Wow really? And here I gave it an “F” because I didn’t think it was that great, hehehe, I guess it’s just because it’s kind of askew from my standard type of experiments (which are usually not so good either most of the time ).
I need to be more creative… I am having ideas on my next experiment, but it’s still in planning mode.