ROFL! This Spanish guy ripped my site (www.ya3.has.it)! It mysteriously seems to be down at the moment :skull:, but I saved the swf and took some screenshots beforehand :wink:

Have a look:

…and the 1mb swf, if anyone’s interested: http://cinemascorestudios.com/yakub/El Rippo!.zip
sigh they could have at least ripped it properly :stuck_out_tongue:

The funny thing is, I was actually HELPiNG the guy make this site :ponder:
It started with the usual “OMG I LOVE YOUR SITE” email, then he started asking me Flash & HTML questions (the usual stuff - fullscreen, preloaders, etc). So we throw emails back & forth and talk over MSN, all the while completely oblivious that he was ripping my site. ANYWAY, one day, I sign in to MSN and he’s offline. But THEN I look at his nickname and see that he was stupid enough to put the URL of “his” site in it :huh:

So yeah, I visited it, had a good laugh, notified the host and it was taken down within minutes.

Our latest emails:

Hi Ya3!!

I did the button with the actionscript of fullscreen and it rules perfect with pop-up killer in its real direction (some like http://www.myvipcard.com.au/yakub in your case) but for make the direction shorter we use a subdomain (.tk) and when we enter in the web from this direction the fullscreen doesn’t rules and says: can’t find the web page… I don’t know why happens it… Do you have any idea to solve it???

Thanks for all!! I really like the snow of your web but… Are you in winter in Perth at christmas??


I think a solution may be to change the URL of the fullscreen.
In the HTML page, find this:
Change the “page.htm” to a FULL ADDRESS, for example:
This is should fix it, since it works without the .tk. I think the .tk
is confusing the URLs to the files.

If this doesn’t work (or you don’t understand), just send me the HTML
files and I’ll have a look.

The music doesn’t seem to be working either. Maybe you could try
removing it entirely, along with the rest of the site.

I’m disappointed in you.

I know, I know. I should’ve pwned him… but… :bored: I’m too nice to do that :+)
Come to think of it, being ripped is quite a compliment. I mean, imitation is indeed the sincerest form of flattery… and the site gets taken down anyway, so why not enjoy it while it lasts? :drool: