Wacom gone bad

My Wacom tablet is totally messing up. I’ve had it for about 5 months and the mouse is messing up.
When I pick up the mouse with my wrist like I normaly do it tracks the mouse even when it’s about 2 mm off the tablet. Does anyone know why? I looked in the settings and I coulden’t see any setting…
The weird thing is that before dinner it was fine, and now 20 min later…
I hope it’s not broke.

I know a bunch of people who have them and they have been fine. Perhaps you can send it back or something. Do you have any kind of warrenty?

Found my warentee but I really don’t want to send it back.

make sure you have mosue mode selected… if it’s set to manual, it still might think the mouse is the pen :slight_smile:

Ditto. I’ve had this problem, or similar problems both from the above mentioned setting, and from having too little RAM in the beginning. Sometimes the mouse goes, but it’s much more common for the pen to go.