This was forwarded to me by my brother, from a friend on a BBS he is a founder. I know it is true…
This guy lives in BF Maine…
I ordered a couple things from Amazon for DW for Christmas. Ordered them on November 29th & they were shipped from Amazon’s facility in Nevada on the 30th. They arrived at the UPS distribution center in Illinois 8 DAYS LATER! From there, they took 3 more days “on the road” & ended up in Cleveland, OH. Two more days & they were in Boston, MA, where they sat for 2 more days before going to Portland, Maine. Then they went to Auburn, Maine which is just 60 miles southeast of here. So, I figure, GREAT! They’ll be here tomorrow. NOPE! They then went to Bangor, Maine which is 135 miles east of here! Then it took them 2 more days to get here from Bangor! It took 18 days for my package to arrive all told.
Do you think it might be because of the sheer barron-ness of Maine?
I dated a girl who lived just south of Auburn
BTW Long distance relationships are the <b>WORST</b>
It took me like 3 hours to get there from Boston, and I almost fell asleep a couple times during the day on the drive up there because it is so Barron with farms and stuff.
Maybe Amazon drivers keep falling asleep on the way there? lol
Hey rev,
That happened to me once. I took me over a month to get my order from UPS was cool enough to ship via air after the 29th day. This happened about 3 years ago though; haven’t had any problems since!
the story would have been funnyer if it went to china, then back to the east, then to Cali. then to maine… and all the other places… but it would take forever…:crazy:
wow, whats with UPS lately? my host shipped a server with them, and they put it on high priority for the insurance, and they lost it… lost the freakin thing.