Water Polo Players?

Hey all!

This summer I took up water polo, and tuesday we started out pre season at school. Do we have any other polo players here? Im sure some of our guys from the west coast must play, or some of our overseas friends!

Reply to this thread if you play so we can talk polo! :stuck_out_tongue:

Also if you play say if you play ā€œhole setā€ (2m) or field.

Right now i play field but want to play hole defense cause thats where it gets really fun :love:


Well, not totally polo, but Iā€™m doing swimming, which is kinda like polo. Tons of guys in tight shorts and wonā€™t have babies for a while. :stuck_out_tongue:

haha i swim too. When the coach asked me for my suit size i was gonna give him my regular, then he was like, no whats your race suit size, so i told him that then he marks it a size smaller.

Swim is fun but polo is like 10x it.

Is it underwater? Iā€™m thinking of guys on horses and hitting a ball aroundā€¦except underwater, and without the horse?

hmm, stupid question - is water polo the standart water-ball game where two teams try to throw a ball in each otherā€™s goal?

McGiver - yes its like Handball but in water.

Its a mix of football (soccer), wrestling, and basketball all in one.

If any of you can get your hands on some .mpgā€™s of the Olympics (legal copies of course) than i would watch some stuff, its great fun.

lol wrestling :stuck_out_tongue:
well it often ends in waterwrestling - but I doubt thatā€™s part of the game.

Yeah we always played that in a summer holiday camp some years ago.
itā€™s ten times as much fun if you play it with girls :smiley:

Read my mind McGiver, whatā€™s the fun with a buncha half naked guys. :stuck_out_tongue:

But it is kinda wrestling when you see it sometimesā€¦ How weird it may sound, but it is said to be one of the harsher watersports :stuck_out_tongue:

Theyā€™d be kicking eachother and pulling people under and such :smiley: