every body who likes sports just submit his name so i can know who is a sport people and tell me what is your favorite sport
just joking cuz mine is also soccer
I play basketball , watch basketball, use to play football (we call it soccer in australia, lol, no idea why ), Volleyball, tennis, rugby, but I stuffed my knee so i decided i will stick to basketball. Play in a competition locally.
Kinda a sports fanatic !! Love to compete! :beam:
Soccer (or football for you non amerikkkans), lacrosse
Basketball and tennis.
Got my basketball grand final on Tuesday! (i think we made the final) =)
also like cricket as well…go aussies!!
I like basketball and football (soccer).
I’m pretty big fan of my town’s basketball team. (hehe, it won Euroleague in 1999).
I like football or soccer too, but I’m not that big fan of it, I like to watch it on tv.
American Football! hhehehe! an di love b-ball and d LACROSSE! but football is the best (no soccer, i dont like it)
skateboarding… woooo
not considered a ‘real’ sport though, more of an ‘X Sport’ otherwise i would have said the same…
dont go there girlfriend
nu uh
snap snap
fine, if you want real sports, id own you at badminton
if you want a ‘real’ sport then i would say…
BMX, its has real as it gets!
So there is more skill in soccer than in flatland? or more skill in baseball than in skateboarding? **** no!
‘x games’ sports will become more real once more ‘mass’ people start accepting them and appreciating them…
mariofan goes to play on his little bike - then gets laughed at by the local soccer team… its ok though, cos ill trash the pitch later on when im drunk…
nah if you mean BMX racing than yeah thats dope, or dirt. but otherwise its just a skate wanna be! yeah us wood pushers could kill you bikers anyday! right 28?
haha… no
im like the worlds worst skateboarder… ive been doin it for like 3 years and all i can do is heel flip… its really depressing… grr
its ok, im gonna get gooder this summer
bmxing is awesome by the way… i. have so much respect for those guys
yeah its really hard, but they take up MY space in MY parks lol.
but i have been doing it for um…a year? and have landed loike 2 kickflips lol.
score… you suck too!
i love it tho, i dont care how much i suck
how old are u dippy?
arent u like 13 or something?
yes sir i am (and wont be 14 till september 30th :P)
lets see…
soccer, hockey, lacrosse, basketball, football.
played them all, love them all. i also love watching those games on TV.
so i guess no body likes gymnastics
i dont like it either
mdipi - saying bmx’s suck… skater wannabees - man i cant skate too! kickflips, heelflips etc… but flatland bmx is where its at!
I play Basektball, baseball and Golf.
used to play hockey (good canadian boy) and football but gave them up.
I also play vollyball and tennis when the chances arise but there really arent many facilities around here for those 2.