forums are made with PHP or ASP not CSS and not HTML:!:
?? lol
OK. We need a forum in which you can post questions about CSS and HTML.
Yup, it will be hard to find a forum not using PHP and/or MySQL. I know there is one that doesn’t require MySQL, but it’s not as good as the ones with MySQL. phpBB is a good forum, www.phpbb.com, or else the invision board, www.invisionboard.com.
Well, just create a forum using phpBB or invisionboard and throw in a HTML/CSS forum (like you’ve got Random, Flash MX and stuff here). Not hard at all.
That’s not what I meant. I just thought a forum on basic HTML would help many of the noobs that know flash but not even a lick of HTML.
Well, just create a forum using phpBB or invisionboard and throw in a HTML/CSS forum (like you’ve got Random, Flash MX and stuff here)
THAT’S what I meant.
I need to learn to phrase my questions better.
Do you mean for your forum or for kirupa ? Cuz I’m kinda confused here, We could be both your company or team or whatever as well as Kirupaforum.com (with capital K :P)
Do you mean for your forum or for kirupa ? Cuz I’m kinda confused here, We could be both your company or team or whatever as well as Kirupaforum.com (with capital K )
For Kirupa!! On this site!! lol
Maybe I should just PM a mod
Thats what the Server-Side Scripting is for. If you have HTML/CSS questions direct them there.