Web Design

So in the days of Photoshop, Corel, Flash, Gradients, Transitions do people still possess basic design skills ?

What if we are given a system with just NotePad and Internet explorer and asked to create a website ? Will we be able to do so ?

So here are the rules :

  1. No Grafics / Flash are allowed.

  2. You can use Small images for Icons.

  3. You can use client side markup languages like VML as an alternative for images.

  4. You can use photoshop etc for color coordination but the final result can contain HTML and CSS only.

  5. You can use HTML editing softwares like Dreamweaver, Frontpage etc as long as rule 1 is not broken.

  6. Theme : Administration console, Can have the following :
    [] links to various sections (like a control panel)
    ] grids with data
    [] editing area
    ] logo and/or title (no grapfics / flash)
    [*] Anything you can think of

  7. Client side only so no PHP/ASP etc will be required. Primary focus : design.

  8. IE 6 should can be the main browser… extra points for cross browser compatibility.

  9. Last date for submissions : 5th Feb 2005

The winner will be based on originality, color, functional capacity, detail and wow effect.

Innitially you can submit screenshots the designs but be prepared to submit the code for review.

This is an open battle…

Anyone up for it?