Web Designers...please take the time

My name is Maria and I’m a college student working on getting closer to my goal of being a web designer. For one of my classes, I have to interview someone in my career field and write a paper about it. Unfortunately, I don’t know of any web designers and the phone calls to web designing companies are not working out. I know there are many talented web designers on this board. So, if you do have web design as your career, could you please take the time to answer some questions and help me not only to complete my paper, but give me knowledge of what being a web designer is really all about. I would greatly appreciate it very much.

You can answer the questions on the board, or e-mail them to me. I’m currently changing my e-mail address at home. It should be back up running this weekend. For now, it’s [email protected]. This may change tomorrow though. It would be easier to post on the board probably. Or if you provide your e-mail address, I can get a hold of you and e-mail the questions that way. Whichever you prefer.

Here’s the questions:

  1. Your name?
  2. How long have you been in the field?
  3. What educational requirements are needed?
  4. Technology is changing so fast everyday. How do you keep up with changing softwares and hardwares?
  5. What does a typical day consist of, and how long of a day is it usually?
  6. What is the most rewarding part of your job?
  7. Do you work at home or in an office?
  8. Why did you want to get into web design, and how did you get the job?
  9. How many sites do you work on in a year? Can you describe some of them or show a link?
  10. How does creativity and teamwork play a role in your job?
  11. What is the worst thing about the job, if any?
  12. What is the best piece of advice you can give someone who wants to get into the field and be successful?
  13. Are there any other interesting facts or information you would like to share?

There are 13 questions, and good detail would be great. Again, I would really appreciate if you could take the time to answer these questions. Thanks so much.
