Web hosting, need some advice

Right now I’m with Aletiahosting.com
take a look at what they give:
I use the standard one (v100)

Currently I have 3 active email accounts, I’m thinking to add 2 more.

I’m looking for a cheaper web-hosting that support php and asp.
or should I stick with this one?

advice would be great :slight_smile:


note: Im almost running out of time, the due date is 4/25

ipowerweb.com is really good

check out Ipowerweb.net lik 28 said. Its what I use, Phil uses it, all of my clients use it…


thanks for your advice guys, will check it out now :slight_smile:

ipowerweb is very very good. i have had NO problems with them and their customer service is good too.

comedy “make more money” option?

if he goes with ipowerweb he can refer phil or jubba if he wants… its not big deal

lol makes me wonder too
hey phil, do you know how much it costs for more database thingies?

you only get 2… i dont know if ill need them, but if i do i wanna figure out how much they
i would just contact costomer service… but that would be stupid :wink:
so yeah 350z go with them

you get 3 (or at least I have 3) and you shouldn’t need more than that.

oh, and Phil, you can have the referal if he goes with Ipowerweb. :slight_smile: