I should draw a new avatar
*Originally posted by Alex *
**that cam software stinks…
windows media encoder is 100 times better **
[first time agreeing with Alex] **no a million times better **[/first time agreeing with Alex]
never hurd of the software.
is it free?
ya, run a search on it.
it’s been online one day. and alreaddy i got over 13 thousend hits.
removed the last counter. I added a new one. this one counts visitors and hits. and does allot more.
*Originally posted by T-O *
**I should draw a new avatar **
Ah, yes, maybe you should, 'cause that boy really looks like a girl…
I was right huh :sure:
Call A doctor! hes become paralized and hasn’t moved in 5 minutes!
Am I the only one who didn’t think he was a girl?
can we stop with the “I thought that he was a girl jokes” It aint funny.
ok, so you’re not a girl… but **** man… you uuuugleh
(j/k ;);))
what’s your problem?
i dunno… I think you might be insecure about your sex/sexuality/appearance…
or maybe you just can’t take a joke?
Hey dude Im not ageinst T-O…
sorry T-O if I said something that makes u feel ugly. :sigh:
I just dont like people calling me idiot…etc.
sorry dude (-:
hey cowboy nice one
*Originally posted by asphaltcowboy *
**i dunno… I think you might be insecure about your sex/sexuality/appearance…
or maybe you just can’t take a joke? **
I am sorry i just like to acknowledge a good burn like that
I acknowledge the acknowledgence of a good burn as well=)
dude, I really really don’t care.
Jason Dill
Ijust happen to be good of making an *** of my self. if your going to make an *** of your self you do it good.
The famed English sense of humour, you see.
t-o did you ever see the high score
it’s all about the issues
who’s Jason Dill? And why do his sentences make no sense?
because he is and idoit.