Website Advice

I just began learning Flash and html about 2 weeks ago. I was asked to make a website for a friend’s wedding. All of my knowledge if from this site. I was wondering if anyone had any advice on how to improve the site? it’s…


ANY Advice would be greatly appreciated. thanks!

by the way if a subpage appears to have very little or no info at all, it’s because I haven’t gotten the info from the couple yet. I’m mostly looking for style advice. Thanks in advance!

Well first thing I noticed is the chopped up XP wallpaper which I thought was pretty funny. I also noticed that the edges around your graphics are a bit choppy, you can clean it up be feathering the edges while in Photoshop and it should help.

As for the design, I think it’s ok, you’re using tables so it’s organized. What bothers me is the text size, I think it’s a bit too big, you’re using verdana size 2 right now so I think size 1 would be better.

Other than those things, I think it’s good enough for your friends. =)

i think the biggest problem is that i’m not marrying her, but the site looks fine:sigh:

lol …

site looks nice indeed xcept for the choppy grafix.
go to and check out the anti-aliasing tutorial

it will make ur grafix silky smooth

PS> mebbe change the fonts