(((Weekly Swift 3D 'Addict' Winners)))

[size=2]Swift 3D ‘Addict’ Winners![/size]

If you frequently find yourself basking in the warm glow of the Swift 3D interface during the wee hours of the night, perhaps you qualify as a Swift 3D Addict. Although we do not yet offer a 12 step program to help users cope with this common addiction, we would like to help those afflicted individuals take the first step towards publicly acknowledging their problem. So if you’ve got some serious Swift 3D on the brain, we invite you to join fellow self-professed addicts by submitting your work to our weekly “Swift 3D Addict” program where you can win the rights to the coveted first slot in our heavily visited user examples section.

Addicts are outstanding Swift 3D users that push the limits of 3D and 3D on the web.

Please feel free to browser our current and past winners and leave your comments for work that you find especially appealing!

Submit your outstanding 3D work to submittals@erain.com for your chance at being recognized as a distinguished Swift 3D ‘Addict’

View the animated Swift 3D Addict Examples