
ok, i just posted this from another post on another board… :smiley:

ok, i Have my own company. i don’t do a lot of business, so I honestly dont know hwo this happened. but some guy from Larkin something or other called me up and asked me if I was a firm, or if I was a one person business… then I told him i was a one person business, and he said… ok, thank you.

i honestly dont know how he got my number. cause the only number i have on my site is my cellphone number, and it’s my brothers now… not mine.

im thinking about emailing them…

and I did email them, im just waiting for a response.
im thinking they wanna offer a job or something?


marketing of somekind I’d bet…


lol. It was me who called you. I was just screwing with you. lol

what do you mean?
they are a webdesign business…

man, their website sucks. Looks like it’s a marketing person who decided to go into the web business

checking out the competition

*Originally posted by Kay *
**checking out the competition **


I often times cold call local competitors acting as a customer and ask for quotes. I know its dirty, but its a good way to gauge capibilities and pricing structure.

but they didnt ask me for quotes.
they asked me if I was a group or one person… that was it

i just found it REALLY weird.