Okay, so a few months ago a friend of mine made sing up at myspace.com, anyways, i met some girl online that lives in the same town is me, i’ve been talking to her for the past 2 or 3 weeks online, normally i don’t really talk to pepole i don’t know very often…anyways, she wanted to know where I lived, but she deosn’t really know the names of all the streets…she just lives here for school…so i was trying to explain to her, i was like yeah…i live three blocks south of sheetz…
She was like oh, i walked through that neighborhood last week, so i said, perhaps you walked past my house, she said maybe, but i something funny happend…She said, she and her friend were walking down this street with really tall hedges, she stepped through, and some crazy guy came out, and was like “what the F* are you doing in my bushes!!!”…i was like hey…that was me…that was the same night someone stole my bike…so i was pretty angry, and paranoid…
She thought i was lying…so i went outside and snapped some pics of our hedges…sure enough…they were the ones…odd eh?
how’s that for a first impression? atleast i didn’t scare her away for good…
haha, it is quite weird inded, as for my bike…i’ve given up hope on it…but thanks to my lovely friends…i have recieved enough parts to build a new bike…