I got framed

:lol:Today I was walking home and I was met by all my brothers telling me our neighbors window had been broken and my frisbee was right under it and that the police had found some of my doodling on the bottom assumed it was graffiti and the frisbee belonged to a gang and took it off for fingerprinting.
Well my little brothers are all excited and asked me why the frisbee was under the window, so I told them what really happened.
Heres what really happened:
I was practicing throwing off for ultimate frisbee and the frisbee roled through my nighbors yard through their ivy which happens to be infested with poisen ivy to which I am highly allergic so natrually I leave it laying right there and go ask kantaman to wash it off. Francis(kantaman) is like yea sure one second:drool:
and forgets, well then we leave for ultimate frisbee and I go to look for my frisbee I don’t see it(It was already taken by the police)so i’m like ok. it’s stolen and I leave for ultimate, hence I come home a “crimanal” I still think this whole things hallarious that I doodle on a frisbee and cops think it’s graffiti.:lol::lol: