K-Team Proposal

Well… I have spoken with Kirupa… And he wanted me to set up a proposal on how this would work and how everything would be coordinated… How the team would be presented… split up… and who got what to work with… So here it is…

:: The Kirupa Team Proposal plan #9846373 ::

  1. Create a basic site or a seperate forum in which we can discuss the majority of plans and options availible to us. This can keep us unified and together… Have some uploadable content… or a database that holds code. Anything that will let another person in the middle of the project go… “I wonder what so and so is making out…” click click “Ahh… So he’s getting this done… COOL!”

  2. Projects… I believe the majority of projects we should work on should be located around website design, game programming, and experimentations. The 3 top areas that are fun… and easy yo coordinate… Just think… How many of you guys would wnat to be responsible for the creation of a web browser eneabled MMORPG!!! Oh man… it just tickles your funny bones huh? hehe…

  3. The Team… Well I’ve given this much thought… And to make a good well rounded team… You need a-lot of support… I wanna try and get the best of the best in the areas they wanna be in… if you like designing… I’m not going to make you program… And likewise for sound developement… I only wnat you there if you have the passion to be there…

1 : Lead Programmer
2 - 4 : Programmers
2 : Graphic Artists
2 : Designers
1 : Team Coordinator
2 : Sound and Music Artists

I think this would present a good hardcore set in stone team… But… If we gte a good many people interested in this… It could split into two small teams working together… Or something like that…

  1. So… if I sign up… or am interested… How is everythign chosen and everything set up… And what if I am really busy all the time and… and… and… WELL! No ands anymore… We are all busy… Let’s put it that way… At points in our lives we get surmassed with business and friends… And everything fun… And that this shouldn’t get in the way… Right? Wll… it won’t… But… if you present to us that you are “overly busy” all the time… We might have to repace you… Nothing personal… But we need you to get your side of the deal done… But… What does that entail… well small scripts or img’s… That’s all… Not that much time involved really… The projects will be spanned over a month or 2… To allow people time to work on the part they were assigned…

Now… You know what this is good for and you know what can be done with this… You can get your name sent around as the person who helped out in the design of a great website or an excellent game and then you can just sit and watch the proposals for other projects keep popping up…

As for money related in the future? Who knows… For now… Definetly not… Cause splitting up the work profit and everythign else would be hard when we’d get like $100 lmao… it wouldn’t be worth it… But maybe… In the future… when a company asks for a small web based game and gives us an offer of $10,000… We’ll say WOOOOHOOOOOO!..

Please sign up below… Tell us your interests in this project and tell us what part you think you could define the best or would make you inclinded to do more wokr in… But remember…

This is really for fun…

[edit]Jubba: Just cleaning up so we can know who is where and what they want. This is one of your other posts:

It’s all a learning experience guys…

Everyone will work as a team and every little bit counts… When you work as a team… You learn new things that you never thought existed in your minds… It’s rather fascinating actually…

It’s like… when you do things for yourself… You only give 1/2 of your effort… But when you’re doing things for a group… You tend to put more than all your effort into it… And then you see your real power to do things :slight_smile:


sign me up for programming.

i will take a go with the GA…sounds fun!

w00t, this looks like a job for the K-Team! (slogan? no?)

I’d Go for Designer or one of that wud be awesome


K-team - innovation without exploitation

actually maybe not lol

I can lend a database and the interaction pages for it. Let me know what you need as far as log-in page, security issues, update pages…

Also sign me up for programming. My school work isn’t that important… I need to work on my programming anyway… :stuck_out_tongue:

I’ll kick back and watch (and post cool smilies)!

:skull: :trout: :hangover: :cowboy:


Jubba: Damn moderating powers. I hate them ya know. Sheep said something to the effect of :

what about PR, advertising, etc…?

Sorry Sheep, I was trying to clean up the thread a little and I deleted the wrong post by you. Sorry boss…

Sign me in for Designer =)


Yeah I editted this entire thing… Cause it was unnecesary…

Sheep… If you’d like to be the head of those… I’m sure we could fit you in somewhere… But it won’t be needed til later down the road…


Sign me up for Graphics Artist.
(I don’t think I will get in though. Its worth a try)

thats cool well count me in i aint spectacular or anything but im ok

Hey Playa I’d love to help the K-Team. How much of a commitment is this? Anyways, I’m in for graphic designer…


Sign Me Up for a Programmer for sure.

Im not the best one but o it.
I also have school so not always be able to work with ya.

Ah, riiiight. This explains a lot. Thank you very much.

Well, I guess you can sign me up if you think I can contribute. :slight_smile:

[edit] Complie from other Post:::::::

I’m probably better at graphics and design than programming, but I can do both. I’d say 60 - 40 in favour of artistic stuff.


If there are enough serious people interested, I’m in :slight_smile:

[edit]Compile from other Post::::::

I’m OK to do anything, but I’m not good at many things :slight_smile:
And I said serious because we wanted to do something like this some time ago and it never took off :hangover: But I really it’s a great idea :love:


well, seeing as no one’s signed up for music yet, I’ll offer my services.

Ok, I cleaned this thread up a little. Sorry boys and girls, and sheep. I accidently deleted Sheeps important post and left the unimportant one. Anyway…

[SIZE=3]Only post in here if you are interested in the project and only post what you are interested in!![/SIZE]

There should only be one post per person in this thread. Anything that is considered conversationalism will be deleted. Please only post if it is your proposal post.

[SIZE=4]SHEEP! BEHAVE!! [/SIZE] :stuck_out_tongue:

i can do some graphic design but i’m in the process of buying a new big mean computer machine. sooooo, this really looks like a GREAT idea…when i get my machine. probably in march.

so sign me up but don’t count on me till at least march.

Well… my plate is clearing up here (finally!!), especially for smaller programming and graphic projects. I need to get back in Fine Flashing Form, so count on me for either catagory.

I can’t be a coordinator though, I have neither the experience or the time for that sort of thing.

Hey ahmed,
Yeah, I will create another forum category for this. Once it really takes off, I’ll try to find a way to create a permantent link to this toward the bottom of the site so people will know about it.

Kirupa :stuck_out_tongue: