\Were Have You been?/

OK i have travel the world i was born in England(Liverpool)
Went to school on the island of Jamacia(Kingston) since i was about(3-10)
Came to the U>S> now attentding my senior year at Columbia High(CHS) in Maple-wood New Jersey

And soon will be back somewhere after high school

Just wondering… how many countries have you guys lived in your whole life?

England, France, Spain, Canada, Almost America, Wales, Africa

  • Soul :s:

grrrrrrrrrrrrrr :angry: i wanted to moved to CANADA with my uncle but my girlfriend also lives there and i can’t stand staying in a country were everything is just like the USA only a bit cleaner.

been in belgium most of the time,

for the rest been in holland, france , luxemburg, germany, austria, italy, switserland, hungary.

that’s bout it, first things on my to go list are england, spain (barcelona great city) and scandinavia

Denmark :slight_smile: and nothing else…

*Originally posted by Bluekid *
**grrrrrrrrrrrrrr :angry: i wanted to moved to CANADA with my uncle but my girlfriend also lives there and i can’t stand staying in a country were everything is just like the USA only a bit cleaner. **

You’re a bit opinionated dude :-\

US. Lived in this same city my whole life.

Yeah i’m sorry i should of just made the thraed and shut up i’m sorry back to the topic…

anyone else?

is this lived or visited? :slight_smile:

lived: London, England
visited: England ;), Wales, oop North ;), Malaysia, Singapore, Spain, France, Germany, Portugal… some other places I can’t recall right now :slight_smile:

topic says where have you been

so i guessed visited :slight_smile:

Well i guess it can be both but only counts if you been to that country for more than 2 years.

more than 2 years… thats a bit more than visiting…

in which case: England :stuck_out_tongue:

Well thats dumb.

Just England for me if thats the rules :-\

  • Soul :s:

for more then two years :slight_smile: so it’s lived… two years is a bit long for visit no.

alright for me the list changes to just belgium then :slight_smile:

watches almost everyone’s list drop to one place :wink:

Yeah that was a silly rule to place :stuck_out_tongue:

btw, are you ignoring me soul?

heart-broken :*(

*Originally posted by Soul *
**Yeah that was a silly rule to place :stuck_out_tongue: **

not if all you want to do is brag about how many diff places you’ve had to move to…



lol :slight_smile:

True true