OK i have travel the world i was born in England(Liverpool)
Went to school on the island of Jamacia(Kingston) since i was about(3-10)
Came to the U>S> now attentding my senior year at Columbia High(CHS) in Maple-wood New Jersey
And soon will be back somewhere after high school
Just wondering… how many countries have you guys lived in your whole life?
grrrrrrrrrrrrrr i wanted to moved to CANADA with my uncle but my girlfriend also lives there and i can’t stand staying in a country were everything is just like the USA only a bit cleaner.
*Originally posted by Bluekid *
**grrrrrrrrrrrrrr i wanted to moved to CANADA with my uncle but my girlfriend also lives there and i can’t stand staying in a country were everything is just like the USA only a bit cleaner. **
lived: London, England
visited: England ;), Wales, oop North ;), Malaysia, Singapore, Spain, France, Germany, Portugal… some other places I can’t recall right now