how many poeple here travel to new countries each year. maybe not each year but they tarvel alot. name some countries that you traveled to.
i travel alot.
i traveled to…
-netherlands (holland)
-lebanon(3 times)
-eygept(2 times)
i am sure there are more but i cant remember them all
is anybody traveling somewhere this year in the summer.
i might travel but not sure
how about you?
England, Canada(2 times) Irealnd, Australia, Mexico, Portugal, Brazil, Thailand, Vietnam, Russia(Twice) Indonesia, Spain, and Guatemala. haha, i love traveling, espicalluy during those turbulent flights over the pacific
*Originally posted by Swank *
England, Canada(2 times) Irealnd, Australia, Mexico, Portugal, Brazil, Thailand, Vietnam, Russia(Twice) Indonesia, Spain, and Guatemala. haha, i love traveling, espicalluy during those turbulent flights over the pacific
so swank, did you enjoyed your trip to Brazil? where exactly in Brazil did you stayed?
wow you guys are lucky. I wish I had the cash to take trips. Someday I will get to travle but as for now, I have been to the united states and that’s about it.