\Were Have You been?/


i’ve been to england, US, turkey, lebanon, syria, jordan, saudi arabia, united arab emirates and canada… :stuck_out_tongue:

US of A my whole life… although I’ve been to many parts of Mexico and am going to to China, Japan and Korea very soon.


I lived in China for 5 years during 1990-1995 and while we were there we got about 2 or so holidays a year. Visited Thailand a number of times, Bali - 2 or 3 times, Malaysia, Singapore and Los Angeles.

Travelling overseas is really cool, especially southeast Asia where all the people are friendly and they have yummy food and cool temples etc to see :slight_smile:

England, Germany, Austria, Holland, and I was born in the USA!

Places I have been for less than two weeks: Maine, New Brunswick, New York, Philadelphia, the Chesapeake Bay, on a plane, at a circus, on top of a mountain, and anywhere between richmond VA and orlando FL.

i was born in Moscow, Russia in 1989, moved to US (sacramento ,CA) when i was 2, and i still live in sacto.

Born in Cambridge Ma
We Drove out to Los Angeles when I was small
One year in Mexico (stayed with friends there)
Back to L.A.
Married - Moved to various regions of SoCalifornia trying to escape L.A. …
…that didn’t work…
Moved my family to Northern Ca. in 1980 …
Sacramento 1st then SF Bay area and then
Back to Sacramento again, about 9 years ago …
I travel frequently to L.A. & have
Visited most of the western states at various times for vacation

Great Britain, France, Germany, The Netherlands, Belgium, Poland, The Czech Republic, Hungary, Rumania, Turkey, Greece, Swizerland, Italy, Spain, Morroco, Eygpt, Israel, Tunisia, Kenya, Zimbawe, Zaire (now the Congo), Botzwana, Namibia, South Africa, Thailand, Nepal, India, America, Cuba, Martinique - I’m now living in Australia and I’m going back home via: Tonga, Western Samoa, The Cook Islands, New Zealand and Japan.

I’ve only lived in London for more than two years though.

Lived in the states for several years and came back to France…
AAAAh Massachussetts in fall (autumn, whatever the brits say) prettiest place ever…

Lived in Scotland for my 19 years of existence.
visited England, Ireland, Wales, US, France, Spain, Switzerland, Germany, Italy, Bulgaria, Austria, Romania, Belgium, Holland, Greece…and probably some others I’ve forgotten.

Favourite places are Venice and Amsterdam.

Lived: China, Canada, US (now)
Visited: Japan (plane stopped there once)

I live a sad life.


:trout: :trout: :trout: :trout: :trout: <---- maxtrosity

I’m older than you and I’ve never even been outside the U.S. And Ive lived in the same city my whole life. Don’t say your life is sad, i’d love to go to china or Japan (notice my skipping of Canada :P).

Lol, I’m getting my licence soon too, so I’ll be sure to visit Canada more often.

Ahmed knows what I’m talkin about, I’m gonna prank ahmed when I get up to Canada.


LOL :stuck_out_tongue:

Naa, Raed is my #1 target.
