What about... cannabis?

lol… yeah I know how the feds ignore state laws for the federal ones.

not exactly what the republicans preach about the rights of a state over federal jurisdiction.

as far, as pot goes,
i think they should legalized or at least decriminalize, when you allow something youa re able to regulate it and keep it in check.

Same as other drugs and prostitution, know i know that sounds crazy but think about (sorry, I have a criminology degree here goes my Masters thesis will probably be on this…)

Look at Amsterdam’s crime rate…way lower then our country (its not low but it is decreasing) drugs are legal including hard drugs sucha s heroin etc… It sounds crazy to do but as soon as they decriminalize it they regulated it.
There are areas to go where you do certain drugs (heroin parks!!) basically, you are allowed to do it there, they give you clean needles buy clean drugs etc… Know, im not one for drug use but i am also realistic and know that people will do drugs no matter were they live, if it is legal or illegal. The rehab programs are also free b/c they use the excess revenue for good rehab programs. Honestly, does any think they will start using heroin because they regulate it…I wouldnt! As far as the weed, there may be people who do it more because it is legal but not tons more. The crime rate drops sgnificantly because the reate of people who are stelaing, robbing and killing for drug deals etc…is significantly lower, it is not gone but lower. That is just one example. There are ofcourse amounts you can have on you etc and like I said certain areas for certain hard drugs.

Prostitution is similar becuase they are regulated business, they have to get certain amount of money (like minimum wage) so there are no pimps and violence that erupts frm that. They have to be licensed which requires 30 hours of schooling each year (which sounds sort of funny) but it is for safety etc… They are tested every six months for drugs and STD’s, if they do not show up for there tests they lose their license and will go to jail. The business owner will also go to jail if they employee non-licensed employees. The sentances are much stiffer it is not like here, were they give you probation or 30 days in prison. I am not sure of the exact penalty so I will not attempt to make one up!

Anyways I think you see my point, I am not advocating for prostitution and hard drug use but if you look at the differences in society, crime and disease rate~~you would be amazed!
I can promise anyone though, they will never see it in this country!

marijuana cannot be legalized, because it is a natural substance, and cannot be copyrighted. Who would make the money? Anyone? Its illegal to make your own moonshine, what makes you think it would be legal to grow your own? If its legalized, anyone could grow it, and it would be everywhere, so there would be little room for profits or taxation. As long as its illegal, it remains profitable. And besides, its not like its hard to come by these days…

You dont want to smoke pot, it dulls the brain…i no…:0…
i use to be a sckolar now I drule

Were you always so gifted at spelling??

just kidding…

Are you sure it was marijuana that caused your fall from grace? A lot of people (mainly musicians and artists) have found great success, even with the habitual use of ‘herb’… :flower:

Sure… I know all the stories, even the one about Einstien sniffing cocain or was it heroin…i forget… (see… that’s what pot does to you). Yes you are right, and plenty of artists and musicians made it just as big without it.
but honestly can’t you tell the difference between talking with a “pothead” and someone who doesn’t get high…:chinaman:

not always. But can you tell the difference? Which one do i come off as?

I would be interested in knowing which musicians have been completely drug free throughout their lives, and musical careers, along side a list of those that weren’t. I garuantee that the lists would be entirely different.

For example, on one side, you’d have Amy Grant, Yanni, and Tiffany. The other list would be comprised of the likes of Bob Marley, any rock band besides Rollins Band, the Beatles, all Jazz musicians, (exluding Kenny G), and the list goes on… and the list goes on…

hey I got Julie Andrews…

*Originally posted by gpdesigner *
**Sure… I know all the stories, even the one about Einstien sniffing cocain or was it heroin…i forget… (see… that’s what pot does to you). Yes you are right, and plenty of artists and musicians made it just as big without it.
but honestly can’t you tell the difference between talking with a “pothead” and someone who doesn’t get high…:chinaman: **

Hey GP,
If your definition of a pothead is what I think it is (Someone who smokes every day multiple times a day) I strongly disagree with you. I know quite a few dumbfoundingly intelligent people who would fall into this catagory.

Granted there are certinly dumb people who smoke allot of pot. There are also alot of incredibly dumb people in politics. (Lets not get started on Bush Maj :slight_smile: thats what the other thread is for)

A couple of years ago I used to smoke literally an ounce a week to my head. That is alot of grass bro. In that time I was certainly not dumb and burnt. I just liked to get high.

My sister for instance, who is 30 smokes weed with cheerios in the morning, and on her lunch break at work. Who has a reletivly high profile (no pun intended) corporate position.

I dont know where the stoner stereo type came from but I know for a fact it is innacurate.

most of my friends fall into that category…

Pot effects everyone differently. Some it demotivates, others it makes them hyper…

Just as alcohol doesn’t make everyone react the same, Pot can’t be lumped into a single stereotype.



Fester: Thanks for typing what i did not have the motivation to explain… haha

And what on earth would give you the notion that I am obsessed with President Bush?? Sheesh, some people :sigh: ::snicker, snicker:: :wink:

I have no clue man :slight_smile:

[SIZE=1]:points at maj’s footer/avatar and whistles:[/SIZE]

I for one, am shocked and dismayed at these obviously wild allogations on the part of Fester8542! And, uh, yeah, or something. :slight_smile:

hey maj…

I cant figure out were he may have come up with those ridiculous ideas!! :slight_smile: :slight_smile: :flower:

Here’s an example of how cool Nebraska is:


Ok… I am conceding(spelling) everywhere today… it’s safer
Ok Pot, Mari-jane, weed, cheba, erb… I use to be a pothead… definitely killed some brain cells. I started when I was 12… Stopped when I was 28.
It was a short career compared to some, but I was extremely dedicated.
I would walk around with a pack of smokes and a pack of joints everyday and replace each everyday. I would light up a joint just because I put one out…
you get the picture… I traveled in that circle (spelling) since I stopped I have revisited the friends I partied with whom by the way are still smoking and am surprised we can communicate at all much less have communicated coherently back in the days…
So yes my research is one sided and confined to a small group, but it is direct results from eyewitness accounting. Hey don’t get me wrong… I was twenty also…twenty years ago, and I know all about defending the usage of drugs. trust me. I know all the arguments… hell my generation helped define some of them. I am just saying that
beyond fiction… if you abuse the brain you loose the brain. Answer me this… what are the effects on the brain from drug use… any drug. You don’t have to give me a scientific breakdown, just a basic answer……, Are you altering the state of operation, consciousness, functioning of your brain while on drugs? And if you are affecting your brain, do you think that long term exposure to this (dizzy)atmosphere will have no effect on the cells of the brain…
That’s my only question…There is no right or wrong answer…
(Peace…with a smiley face)

The long term effects of using any drug can’t be good for the brain. Im sure the only thing good for the brain is actually using it, and if a habitual marijuana habit prevents you from exercising your mind, then it is a hinderence.

Could it be, that it is not the marijuana that hinders the brain, but the activities that are undertaken while high that effect the brain? For example: I could get stoned constantly, and do math problems all day long. While my social skills, and personal hygeine may decline, my math skills certainly would be improving over time. 30 years of smoking weed and playing video games might not help to develop intellect, however, you would become an expert gamer with a horrible cough. 30 years of doing drugs will most certainly harm your body, but so will 30 years of drinking alcohol, 30 years of manual labor, or 30 years of doing jack squat. While i accept the fact that marijuana is potentially harmful, i refuse to accept the fact that it is evil or wrong. I think alcohol is evil and wrong, but somehow, it is widely accepted.

I think marijuana should remain illegal, because it certainly shouldn’t be glorified to kids who would just use it irresponsibly.
I do, however, feel that it should be a matter of personal choice, much the way it is for alcohol and cigarettes.

Out of curiosity, were you able to quit smoking cigarettes too?

Whippersnapper: that link is too much!! I cant believe they’d stoop so low. Viva la capitalism!

Yes I finally stop smoking tobacco…actually it will be 2 years tomorrow…
my system is as clean as it was when I came in… but I abused it and there is most definately some damage. Hey I am not or can’t judge anyone about using pot or any drug hell…, I used them all… but now,… on the other side of it… I can truely say for myself, that I really didn’t need it.

i am glad to hear that. I was able to quit smoking cigs in 99, and i quit drinking alcohol and caffeine in 2002. Now, if i can only work on this nasty KirupaForum addiction…