What are you doing at this hour

just curious what my fellow nerds are up to:P

im makin a pic in PhotoShop and listening to some good ol’ Soilwork

Im talking to my friends and hoping you’ll go on my boards.
And goanna make a quick raceing game…

can i be a mod if i go?

Thats depends
I dont know you super well
Lets get to know each other for a day and maybe i will let you be a mod.
So do you have MSN,AIM
an of those if not we wil learn right here…

k i registered
my AIM is KaoticTend

playing Terranigma…an SNES game. and chatting and checkin the boards.

Working on a clients site (yea I know it’s almost midnight, but I need the money). I guess you can say I’m Flashturbating, remember that thoriphes?

I’ve been working through tutorials for most of the night with a hangover from a party yesturday. Now I’m jumping around 4 different forums heat seeking info on a project I’m still working on after a month of starting it.

Its 6:43 am here in England, so why arn’t I asleep? Its all because of Macromedia, Adobe, Maxon and Electric Rain.


gave me the greatest surge of energy to do flash. haven’t really flashturbated lately, i might do so before i sleep.

I just did, My prototype and her five functions helped me out. :stuck_out_tongue:

That’s just wrong dan.

I don’t flashturbate, I more like slam my head into the wall trying to come up with something relatively cool, but it never works out.


lol why flashturbate, you cant get none of the real thing :crazy:

I wasn’t being serious, it was a joke.

[size=1]::dan hides his flashturbating materials::[/size] :stuck_out_tongue:

My dream is to become a flashturbator though.

*Originally posted by dan4885 *
**[size=1]::dan hides his flashturbating materials::[/size] :stuck_out_tongue: **

just wanted to say:

lol :stuck_out_tongue: :stuck_out_tongue: :stuck_out_tongue:

Making xmas presents right now… Holiday party and I need some stuff for some friends…


Sitting here collecting dust…bored…:-\

I’m about to start writing the tutorial on how the Snow Effect on the home page is created while listening to U2 on my comp with a show on HGTV about Christmas in the White House noising in the TV in the background.

Kirupa :cowboy: