Hello, first of all sorry to the mods, if they have to move this to a more suitable forum and sorry everyone else if this question has been asked a million times, so if you could just push me in the direction of another thread then that would be great.
Just wondering really, as i am just getting into ebdesign as a side job from being a till tart and schooling, and just wondered what i should charge for the sites i am creating.
i got my first client a week or 2 back and am nearing the completion of the site now, getting ready for the presentation, and need to know what sorta money i should be asking for.
its my first job so don’t wanna go ott, but its full flash, and taken 20plus hours, anyideas??
im guessing i should of set a price before i started, but didn’t really think the whole deal would come off.
anyway i’ll shut up now, cheers for the help in advance, andy.