That’s super cool, I’m impressed. Per example one, when I start looking for a house in the next couple years you can do said query for me, yes?
Wow, that is pretty cool.
[QUOTE=nobody;2348583]That’s super cool, I’m impressed. Per example one, when I start looking for a house in the next couple years you can do said query for me, yes? ;)[/QUOTE]
If I had access to the database that contains that info, then yes. But a real estate agent has access to such a thing, though not all home sellers want their house on it. Unfortunately, there is no one universal db.
There are cool mashups like this though: (powered by craigslist) (search: “portland, or” and “for sale”)
Google maps/earth is basic GIS.
[QUOTE=Anogar;2348575]I’m sure Lunatic has a better definition, but it’s this crazy cryptic mapping / data organization… system… thing. Think Illustrator, except you have to be highly trained to figure it out, and it involves geographic spacial data.
It’s used in things like city planning.[/QUOTE]
Hahahaha, so basically what you’re saying, is that its the complete opposite of Illustrator…
[QUOTE=fasterthanlight™;2348591]Hahahaha, so basically what you’re saying, is that its the complete opposite of Illustrator…[/QUOTE]
When I was doing GIS stuff there was a lot of vector work, clicking from point to point. It was like using the polygon marquee tool in PS, or the pen tool in Illustrator, except it hates you. It wants you to break your computer in a fit of rage.
Hahha no, I meant about the highly trained aspect :lol:
Heh, well, believe me, I’ve seen a lot of monkeys doing GIS. :hair: A lot of people take one class, call themselves GIS Technicians, and then proceed to ruin a lot of other people’s hard work