Do you have some sort of affiliation with these sites?
They seem kind of generic IMO, just wondering why you want opinions on them.
Did you want a full on critique?
If not I’ll stick with generic; there not terrible or anything, they just look like alot of sites that have popped up lately and don’t really stand out.
[quote=Counterproductive;2345046]Do you have some sort of affiliation with these sites?
Not at all. I just really like their layouts for some reason and can’t put my finger on it. I think its because they’re big and clean. :\
I was actually hoping you guys could rip them apart and tell me what you find wrong with their stuff.
Their designs are nice, simple and sweet. Even though they are releasing “a site a day” the content that they provide on their sites is what really sets them apart from other “networks” trying to do similar things. They provide a good mixture of tutorials on most of their sites, most of the tutorials are for beginners but they also throw in some of the more “advanced” things that people (like myself) don’t like to share or don’t think should be shared, to the public.
I’ve always been a fan of freelanceswitch (their first site that looked how it does) and I think they did a good job of tying them all together. Ellislab does the same thing actually, and they do it well.
What do you mean by that?
How do you design your content to fit with your layout?
There is a fine science in designing content… a good designer doesn’t make their content fit the site, or vice versa, its actually a happy medium between both methods.
Typography, layout design, visual hierarchy, visual weight, and others, are all things that need to be thought of and dealt with if you want to create a successful design.
“but they also throw in some of the more “advanced” things that people (like myself) don’t like to share or don’t think should be shared, to the public.”
“but they also throw in some of the more “advanced” things that people (like myself) don’t like to share or don’t think should be shared, to the public.”
Why wouldn’t you want it to be shared?[/QUOTE]
They get abused and overused, there’s some things that just any person w/ Photoshop shouldn’t be able to do. I’d say maybe like 90% of the people who see those or any tutorial will not go out of their way to advance that tutorial or make their own effect from it. IMO it’s very similar in nature when someone gets a copy of Dreamweaver, pops it open, tosses in a table and some text and then tries to sell their services. Which ultimately undermines and destroys the industry.
It’s cool that Eden will publish that content, but I myself would never do it.
^ I kind of agree with that sentiment in principal… ultimately tho I believe horded knowledge fast becomes stale knowledge, esp in a technique led discipline. I think a truly professional and/or talented designer is always learning, evolving and getting better, passing on old or new technique is usually irrelevant.
there’s some things that just any person w/ Photoshop shouldn’t be able to do