Its my on-line portfolio, I wasnt trying to build anything to flashy (excuse the pun), its basicly there to show some of my Graphic Design work, to possible employers.
Please tell me what you think!
Is it poo?
Or is it groovy?
(You may need a fast connection! - there are several jpeg files)
Not bad m8, but ya few suggestions for ya.
Hope u dont mind and take them positively
Site as far as content goes, is really good but designing part
is where u ll have to work on more to make it look better,
I like ur creativity and sense of color scheme.
I missed music more than anything and y dont u start with an intro or something to really get the user’s attention, i think music helps.Many ppl mite come in wid a theory that it’s an online resume, why do we need music or intro? for music i ‘d say" why do wen have volume controlers? " bout intro, i guess apart from some sites in ur profile, where u used a perticular themef and had to followed it all thru… i guess this ll b the platform of ur own, as an employer i d’ like to look at something different than just another ppt presentation.
i have few examples + my personal homepage to show u and i think they shud help more, and i m not talking bout www.jasninder.com.If u feel like mail me and i can give u the links to that.
It was nice tho, i like ur creativity and sense color scheme, i hope u r good with sound too.
im sorry i have a dead link… for both of you…
anyway there is a section called ‘site check’ on the forum… I think your thread would get better replies there !
then i looked at your source code copied and pasted the link from there and was able to view it…
glad i did…
you are obviously a very talented designer…
your illustrations are great, typography is lovely and your projects are well thought out…
really liked the anti smoking project…nice 1
would have to agree with flasherjaz, as a potential employer i would be looking for something different but i’m sure when they see your work they would be, as i was, suitably impressed…
Yeah, I know what you mean…its not exactly reveloutionary in Flash design terms …and I guess an intro would rock - I will work on these in the near future.
I am also intending to record my voice and mess it up with some kind of sound manipulation programme then add these to the buttons, and various other bits.
hmm…I presume a music loop could be added to the online swf quite easily… i will look into it!
Cheers anyhow, for your feedback! I guess im 75 - 85% finished huh!
I had to copy and paste too, don’t know why the enter button don’t work at your domain name!
One thing I noticed that I’ve seen before is that your link to download the flash plugin is WITHIN the flash movie, so you can only see it if you already have the plugin.