What do you think?

I would love some feedback on my flash based portfolio and blog site.
I’m not so much of a designer, so it’s sure not a great looking site, but it has some functionality that can be interesting to check out maybe.

It’s emulating a lot of HTML behaviour like resizing with the browser window, text resizing, deeplinking, bookmarking and back/forward button functionality.
After having discussions with a few HTML fanatics I wanted to shut them up on the points the normally put forward as downsides of flash, and I do think it’s nice to have those features.
Of course it didnd’t help and now they also want integration with their FireFox extensions like mouse gestures and dictionary search…well well :slight_smile:
When I get more time I guess I will have to make the page a bit flashier though to try to get the best of both worlds really.

But enough bla bla what I think about the site…it’s your opinions I would like to hear…give it to me straight.

Also, anyone interested can download the flash based blog/CMS system i developed for the site. It also includes the state management code which I will put up separatly as well soon.

URL: www.blixtsystems.com