I need some hints to make my site better, this is my first web site ever so dont think to much of it.
BTW: my english is not so good. sorry about that…
Its all done in flash, and all content is updateable by a control panel i have made. Iam thinking about using mySQL instead of accsess is that a bad idea?
well check it out and tell me what you think…most content is in norwegian…i well rewrite it all in english soon…
HALLA ! Går det bra med deg eller ?
Jeg er fra Oslo og Du ?
My Norwegian friend LOL :esmirk:
-I like the preloader !
-background hmm well its kind of nice ! not much colors there !
-I likie your site !
-but when I press a button it take sometime to load the text you need to tell the visitor more information about what is happining there ! thats why we have a preloader or a loading message ! <:}
But I like your site and cool I kan change colors ! well why not change the color of the holl background ?
The drag number thing is cool to !
And your Work its cool to !
ok the visitor dont know that Nr.3 is to STOPP the music ! right !
Well why not make a small Box on the uper corner and add these buttons = 1,2,S = “s for Stopp !” the user will simply press it and loads the music ! isnt that better than draging it on to a box and…etc ! the big space its using in the music control is a big space why not do what I said and use this space for news and updates or cool wallpapers or Movies or what ever…etc !
In the “future” you must think of the visitor they dont like it dark ! hmm well maybe lett them choos more of colors than these 3 colors you use now or maybe backgrounds !
===========!=DU BESTEMMER IKKE SANT=!==============
well i dont know but, it actually stands that the chill song has stopped when you push nr 3 …so…
but i wil try to make it a little bit clearer.
thanx again for commenting.
if this had been a “corporate” site, i would have choosen other colors, but since its only my personel “thingie” i made it in the colors that i like. but i understand your what you mean.
btw: you do not need to drag the number onto a box to make the song start, you only need to push it.
unless this site is just a demo you’re showing to clients, i would suggest getting rid of the "all content is updateable by a controll panel. Flash MX,Flash Remoting,Dreamweaver MX,Coldfusion MX,MS accsess
" statement
I’m on 1024*768 and i can see horizontal scrollbars
The 1 2 3 buttons are hard to click and roll over
The blue semi-transparent box doesnt go well with the colour scheme.
Tha’ts pretty much it, with a little bit of work it can be a cool thing