What do you think?


I need some hints to make my site better, this is my first web site ever so dont think to much of it.

BTW: my english is not so good. sorry about that… :wink:

Its all done in flash, and all content is updateable by a control panel i have made. Iam thinking about using mySQL instead of accsess is that a bad idea?

well check it out and tell me what you think…most content is in norwegian…i well rewrite it all in english soon…

have a nice day!



HALLA ! Går det bra med deg eller ?
Jeg er fra Oslo og Du ?

My Norwegian friend LOL :esmirk:

-I like the preloader !
-background hmm well its kind of nice ! not much colors there !
-I likie your site !
-but when I press a button it take sometime to load the text you need to tell the visitor more information about what is happining there ! :stuck_out_tongue: thats why we have a preloader or a loading message ! <:}

But I like your site and cool I kan change colors ! well why not change the color of the holl background ?

The drag number thing is cool to !
And your Work its cool to !

Mohaha :esmirk:

Vi snakkes OKAY !
Ha det godt !

:cool: Over and Out BLASTBOY !

hei du!

hehe…jeg er ifra sørum…:wink:

virket experiments valget? …du kunne loade de eksemplene der? :slight_smile:

i will make a preload on all the menu options.

about the colors…ehem…i like it alittle “dark”. …:wink:

lots of work to do…

maybe it is a good idea to use mySQL instead of accsess database?

please comment on this site!?



I don’t get it why drag nr.'s.
And for the rest that looks ok. You got your site there.

ya…the numbers don’t do anything…but your layout and pics are really nice…keep it up

i find it weird that the site is way over to the right, i have to scroll over to see it, you should consider setting moving it over a little. :slight_smile:

Alex, check your browser…the site is placed right in the middle…lol

thanx for nice comments…

when draging the numbers there should be 2 different songs on one and two , and nr:3 stops the music…:wink:

maybe turn up the volume a bit? :wink:

it should be right in the middle…yes, check your browser like crazygamer said! …hehe…

Hey Igjen ! LOL :beam:

ok the visitor dont know that Nr.3 is to STOPP the music ! right !

Well why not make a small Box on the uper corner and add these buttons = 1,2,S = “s for Stopp !” the user will simply press it and loads the music ! isnt that better than draging it on to a box and…etc ! the big space its using in the music control is a big space why not do what I said and use this space for news and updates or cool wallpapers or Movies or what ever…etc !

In the “future” you must think of the visitor they dont like it dark ! hmm well maybe lett them choos more of colors than these 3 colors you use now or maybe backgrounds !

===========!=DU BESTEMMER IKKE SANT=!==============

:cool: Over And Out

hello again…

well i dont know but, it actually stands that the chill song has stopped when you push nr 3 …so…

but i wil try to make it a little bit clearer.

thanx again for commenting.

if this had been a “corporate” site, i would have choosen other colors, but since its only my personel “thingie” i made it in the colors that i like. but i understand your what you mean.

btw: you do not need to drag the number onto a box to make the song start, you only need to push it. :slight_smile:

have a nive weekend.

i have tryed to fix a few things…check it out…:wink:

btw…thanks to everyone who has commented and given me some nice hints and tricks…




unless this site is just a demo you’re showing to clients, i would suggest getting rid of the "all content is updateable by a controll panel. Flash MX,Flash Remoting,Dreamweaver MX,Coldfusion MX,MS accsess
" statement :slight_smile:

I’m on 1024*768 and i can see horizontal scrollbars

The 1 2 3 buttons are hard to click and roll over

The blue semi-transparent box doesnt go well with the colour scheme.

Tha’ts pretty much it, with a little bit of work it can be a cool thing :slight_smile:


the scroller should be fixed at 1024*768 res. And about the blue messageboard, im currently working on a new one.

there will be a litte “face lift” in a week or two…