I was doing some tutorials and then decided to put together all the effects I learnt in them with a few touches of my own and came up with this. Impressions please…
D :beam:
P.S. Sorry about the iffy quality but i wanted to be able to post it…
I was doing some tutorials and then decided to put together all the effects I learnt in them with a few touches of my own and came up with this. Impressions please…
D :beam:
P.S. Sorry about the iffy quality but i wanted to be able to post it…
oooh, nice :thumb: You follow tutorials from here? put your name on it somewhere or a your webaddress. Don’t want anyone stealing it now…
Thanks… the tuts came from the links in the sticky (one on lightning another on starburst which i modified with a couple other filters and the crystal is a 3dmax tut). Sheesh I guess i didn’t put any sig on it cause I don’t steal other people’s stuff (it just makes me feel like an idiot and therefore would prefer to learn how to do things myself) and I also didn’t think it was that good… Thanks again…
Any suggestions for improvement?
D :beam:
Ah yes, the good old spike ball. I’m pretty sure everyone that has played with a 3D program has made one of these things. I know I’ve made a few dozen of these.
I would suggest playing with the colors and I also think you over did it with the photoshop too.
hmm, i wouldn’t say it was over done with the photoshop. Perhaps its a little bright though. Try dulling it a little, see what that looks like?
Here it is again after lowering saturation…
BTW - Orange - where’s your darth vader luke pixel animation gone - I loved watching that :beam:
D :beam:
I still think the blur effect is overdone, but then again that’s just me…what do I know?
and as a special bonus, click here for the ultimate smiley! clickme!
The image looks loads better now. good work
Thank you so much for the darth vader thingie - it;s absolutely hilarious :beam: … Is Patience your middle name by any chance? That is great stuff (I mean your battleship).
EG - can you please be a little more specific when u say blur? THanks
D :beam:
um…sorry to destroy your delusions, but those smilies aint mine! I found them whilst browsing the web… sorry! (curse my honesty!)
I think EG is refering to blue streaming effect on the right of the image. A bit too intence i think.
maybe if you could apply the orange swirl to the spike ball?
looks cool, but the photoshop effects are throwing it off
Thanks pr … nice idea - I’ll have a go and see what comes up
D :beam:
i like the spike ball in the middle, but it doesnt really blend in with the colors. try messing around with a couple of filters and see what you come up with
Another 2 variations
Nr 2
sweet. number 2 looks like a dandelion thing…
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