What frame rate?

just wanted to know what frame rates u guys use?
also, is there an “official” frame rate? or am i just dreaming?.. hhehe

i thought the default is 12??? LOL…
Never ever change that before???

well it kinda depends what you inted to do in your site. but if you have lots of tweening and other effects going on you probably dont want less than 25. yeh the default is 12…

yeah its 12 :smiley:
but if u use a bigger frame rate, ur animations will be “smoother”… i use 32!!! i just wanted to know if its too much…
on this site: http://kini.makes.it

mm 32 sounds fine to me, the site looks good anyway :slight_smile:

I mostly use 40fps. 12fps is way too slow. The human brain sees an animation of 24-25fps as smooth, and that is the minimum frame rate you should use if you want to make your animation pleasant to view.

Depends on the situation, i.e. for my web page I used 36 fps.

Note - if you use a lot of onEnterFrame functions, then the higher the fps the more CPU intensive it gets. However your animations will be smoother.

For cartoon animation 12 to 24 fps is sufficent.

I think 32 fps is fine :slight_smile:

I even know that some poeple use 64 fps, quite high ay :slight_smile: