Frame rate

hey just a question what avereage frame rate do you guys use for sites… ?

<-- 30 - 40

I use 26-35 depending on the project, but a lot of people have been talking about using 24.

I use ActionScript to do animation and such most of the time…

30 most of the time… 24 from time to time… No lesses than that though…

I think there has been several of this questions… You might want to do some searching on the forum… :wink: :wink:

I use 30 frame rate, some times experiment with 120

most of my stuff is in 40 right now. 30 is usually where I start tho.

why should anyone be over 26 if at a greater pace your eye can’t see the subliminal frames ???

plain simple, my dear watson: smoother animations. :wink:

what frame rate do you guys use for intros… i see some of 2advanced they must use around 50 or so, but how does it all load so smooth it never skips … i use about 40 for intros

24/32 all good

i prefer 24.

i am using 25 right now. :slight_smile:

i dont have flash on my site that much but i use 25.

In my current site I used 60 frame rat ! The animation gos very smove

i use 24 typically. i know you complain that it’s too choppy cheez… giggling but i don’t like to make it much faster for web stuff, because if it gets too high it can actually lag if the veiwer’s computer stinks, and i like to try and make my stuff not just cater to the cool peeps with fast computers…haha. if i know for sure that the target audience has good equip though, i’ll bring it up to 40 or so.

since this has been brought back, Id like to reinstate my position on high framerates being a bad thing. No matter how fast your computer is (well in this time of age - just wait 20 years from now when someone comes back to this to prove me wrong), anything above like 50 can lag you back. 50 alone is bad enough - I dont want to use that as a standard because thats high. 30 is high. 30 should be the ceiling of framerates unless testing or for other very specific situations.

  • First off, consider that even if a computer might be able to handle your site at that framerate, whos to say they arent currently looking at other similar Flash based sites? Compounding those CPU requirements to run those sites will drastically drain CPU performance, especially if youre pushing the movie to limits which would require a high amount of power to make it that framerate to begin with.
  • Its no secret Flash isnt the fastest monkey in the circus. There are a lot of limitations to what it can show and what it can crunch in any given amount of time. When it cant make the requested results in the time its supposed to, it will pull more and more power from the cpu trying to make up for that - and this is direct cpu processing, nothing from video cards here - a partial reason for Flash’s small file size is that lack of need to use hardware accelleration. I once got this lame Flash christmas card that was cranking at 120 fps. It choked my compy and made everything horrifically sluggish, and for what? trying to make the animation a little smoother?
  • For older computers that cant make up the slack, even if not being bogged down from anything else, the resulting anuimation is going to be, not only choppy, but slow. Slow in that you created the site to be run at a high frame rate, so the number of frames used to do any one animation is going to be greater than the number of frames needed if running at a lower framerate. Because of this, not only will the slower machines see the choppy animation but that animation will take longer to watch because of that increased number frames involved in making it happen which just doubles the suck factor for suck computer users.

Depending on the animation, good movement can be had at 16-18 fps. Use of bluring and easing with enough confusion to prevent a direct indication of the lack of fps is all that is needed to trick the eye into thinking everything’s fine. Sure, in comparison, a faster framerate WILL look better, but if you’re not playing the faster one right next to the slower one, no one will probably ever notice.

Too many times have I been put off by potentially awesome sites who just don’t make good use of their design in terms of making it easy for Flash to handle. So they crank up the FPS and hope it plays as smooth as it can and it ends up killing everything else and eventually gets the boot (alt+F4).

I use 25 mostly which is the frame rate of PAL video. Anything above 30 is just plain stupid coz you can’t see a difference anyway. It’s a waste of frames