What is the BEST of the best?

[FONT=&quot]i really would LOVE to know the best PC out there…customized or not…pictures would be better. the more powerful the better!!!

i’m also planning on buying a new laptop…what is the BEST of the best???:m:[/FONT]


It matters do you want the best of:

[]Battery Life
]3d Design

If you want the best laptop it will basically get 45min of battery life and weigh 10lb.
Also known as Alienware.

Please be more descriptive of your price range and what your looking for.

[quote=Odd Morsel;2351585]5 popular/trendy choices:

Voodoo PC

I wouldn’t say popular…afterall all of those are “boutique” companies. And Voodoo just relaunched their computers.

I’d say more like Apple, Dell XPS, HP, Asus, etc…

Spam. :wasted:

im a strong beleiver of Dell

voodoo envy is a kinda ****ty computer if you look at the specs. Like wtf… :confused:

[QUOTE=sekasi;2351662]voodoo envy is a kinda ****ty computer if you look at the specs. Like wtf… :/[/QUOTE]
Its good enough to do light work on… its really just nice for someone that travels a lot. Plus for a price tag of 2099 (can be cheaper if you don’t get the SSD) it is impressively well put together and very sturdy.

For a business laptop it would fit perfectly. Plus the default vid can play CS 1.6 perfectly. In terms of ultra portables it’s close to the best (best I would guess is the x300).I mostly love it for the clean air flow design for cooling.

Mjeah, I’ll take a macbook pro over that any day :wink:

^Of course a real laptop is gonna beat out an ultra-portable any day :lol:

[whisper]I’ll take my spec’ed out M1330 any day also… although the next laptop I buy will probably be an ultra-portable for work and such (by the time I need a new computer I’ll be starting as an accountant instead of web development).[/whisper]

[quote=Odd Morsel;2351661]Well, the original poster stated “the more powerful the better”. Amongst the power-user community (as opposed to the average user), these are definitely popular/trendy. Smoking fast, too.

And since purchasing Alienware, XPS is soon on the outs.[/quote]

Old Morsel, XPS isn’t on the way out. I’m pretty sure Dell will keep it as they haven’t integreated the Alienware line into their lineup yet and I somehow doubt they will. Heh, even among the power-use community…then again we call those who buy $3000 8-12 pound gaming laptops power users now? WTF? More like rich people who have no real reason to buy that powerful of a laptop. It defeats the point of a laptop.

Anyway, the Envy is amazing to me…I’m 90% certain about picking one up at the end of this summer. Also Sekasi, your comparing Apple to Oranges.

Yeah that envy is gorgeous. I’d take that over the air any day.

Can’t wait till we get to see more of the new voodoo desktop. That pc is bat**** insane.

[quote=Iamthejuggler;2351862]Yeah that envy is gorgeous. I’d take that over the air any day.

Can’t wait till we get to see more of the new voodo

If I wre to buy that, I’d name mine the Monolith…but I’ll still stick to building my desktops.

If you can afford it Boxx
Falcons are also good have some nice Laptops Falcon NW

He said best of the best not best affordable one :lol:

We bought a few BOXX computers at my old work for 3D animation. To be honest we had nothing but trouble with them, their customer service was terrible. That was a few years ago though so they may have improved. The specs were extremely good for high end 3D though.

[QUOTE=grimdeath;2351896]Falcons are also good have some nice Laptops Falcon NW

He said best of the best not best affordable one :lol:[/QUOTE]
Those Falcons are a beast, somehow they allow some of the highest specs in those machines. I’ve never seen one in real life though (probably because of the price).

//edit, nvm their specs have gone down hill.

[quote=Templarian;2352099]Those Falcons are a beast, somehow they allow some of the highest specs in those machines. I’ve never seen one in real life though (probably because of the price).

//edit, nvm their specs have gone down hill.[/quote]

Yeah, its kinda stupid to buy from Falcon NW when you can get the same exact OEM laptop with better parts at a lower price from another reseller whose rep is no worse.

I would like to try out Alienware the specs are firm. The looks cool, but how about the
longevity of the product. Hope it works well.

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[quote=Iamthejuggler;2351862]Yeah that envy is gorgeous. I’d take that over the air any day.

Can’t wait till we get to see more of the new voodoo desktop. That pc is bat**** insane.[/quote]

Honnestly, even the packaging is gorgeous.

If a laptop purchase were to be made on looks alone, this would forsure take the cake.


For desktop I would have to go with a Mac Pro, max out.

I maxed out a boxx and it came out to like 7k, the Mac came out to like 20k.

Daul quad core Xeons 16gb four 300gb SAS FTW. Oh and you get Leopard, so you don’t have 512mb of ram dedicated to your OS.

how much do those voodoo desktops cost?