Best laptop

I am looking into getting a new laptop. I would love a powerful, lightweight, laptop with centrio technology but since they dont excist im out of luck lol. Well anyway, what do you guys think is the best laptop (considering weight and power). Do any of u guys no of a light weight powerhouse!?


powerbook g4 15 inch. or the 12". With an airport card and you got one of the best, most powerful notebooks out there. light and thin too, just ask rengirl who has the 15. i got the 12.

sorry man i am a make hater :slight_smile: lol

I hate people that bash so Im not going to. I just have a question… Why go with a mac? I mean sure you might say they are more stable but the overwhelming amount of software and hardware made for windows kinda makes it a no brainer right? I really like the look of Apples and have basically NO experience on macs and have a TON of experience on windows so i need a windows. They have never done me wrong :slight_smile: feel free to sway me (im can change given the right reasons :slight_smile: )

but the overwhelming amount of software and hardware made for windows kinda makes it a no brainer right?

i’m a PC man too, but the whole “overwhelming amount of hardware” for a laptop PC point really isn’t very valid. it’s hard to replace anything (except memory) in a laptop. plus most of the major programs (flash, photoshop, office…) are out on macs now. the major downside macs have is that most game companies don’t make a mac and pc version.

with that said, macs are still too pricey (and trendy for that matter) for me :slight_smile:


its the hardware thats expensive, the software (look at the iLife) is cheaper. you couldnt get what you get with ilife for 50 bucks on a pc, youw ould be spending hundreds, and it wouldnt compare.

yeah maybe some i-programs of Final Cut but there are still TONS more software on Windows. And there are no real advantages to macs other than stability and looks(which is debatable in itself). I mean to restrict ur self to type of case (monitor hardware any default hardware) is kinda foolish to mean. I mean if apple could run all of windows programs (with a emulator or something) and had more than one button on their mouse (i have like 7) then i might give them a chance.

If you want a really powerful laptop, check out dell’s latest laptop designed for gamers: (-:

yeah i heard of that thing but it is the heavies laptop dell has ever made! I think its like 9 pounds. DO you konw of any that are somewhat light (5 pounds and below) that have a descent speed? Thanks K-man


Hey milkedave, I just got a compaq presario and it sucks! I’ve had a lot of trouble with 'em. I bought one about four months ago and used it for like a week and the thing just died on me. I took it back they threw in a new battery and it was good for another week but I had a bad feeling in my stomach. I should’ve got my money back. Finally after returning once again they gave me another one and the thing keeps freezing up. It goes into hibernation and it doesn’t want to come out. The only thing you can do is remove the battery and then reboot. This happens like every week and I hate it.

Also, the stupid thing gets so hot I think it’s going to burst into flames! I’m worried that when summer comes it’s going to fry itself.

Another thing is the stupid touch pad! The **** thing has about a half inch area on it where it doesn’t work and the button that turns the sensor on/off seems to be finicky. You push the button to deactivate the sensor and then try to type and all of a sudden you’ve accidentally closed the brower or deleted some stuff 'cause of that stupid faulty touch pad button.

And another thing is the screen brightness. When you run the computer from the outlet it’s so bright that it’s blinding, yet when you run it off the battery it seems normal. I swear, I can’t use the **** thing when it’s plugged in 'cause it gives me a headache after 20 minutes or so.

It’s seems like they never tested the **** thing after they made it because I’m sure other people are noticing the same stuff I am. The only thing good about it is that it’s cool looking.

edit: lol. I can’t believe anyone is concerned over the weight of laptops. If you can’t carry it around maybe you should get out from behind it and go to the gym. Seriously, think about it???

I got this one. After doing a lil project i made enought money for this baby. Mine has a 2.66 Intel Mobile.

i got this baby and im very happy with it so far you might want to avoid it though since you are concerned with the weight but in terms of workspace you cant go wrong :smiley: especially when using maya :love:

I’d have to say to go with the PowerBook too.

I think Mac is just a better PC. The problem is people want a computer they can fool around with, and play games on (Games they steal online I’m sure). But if you’re looking for something that’s never going to give you problems, and has some of the coolest stuff out there, get the Apple. Game developers are starting to make stuff for Mac now too. Tony Hawk pro skater - and I think I even saw Halo somewhere …

I have an old Dell Inspiron model 8200, it’s about 2 years old. It doesn’t give me problems because I take care of it. It does what I need it to do, and I upgraded the memory over the time I’ve had it - up to 512 right now.

Really though … I think if you get any laptop, any OS, any brand - it’ll be fine if you take care of it. Performance isn’t always in the hardware alone.

I would never buy a mac, I saw this movie on quicktime one day, this guy said that he turned the computer on and it started sizzling, so he touched it and the cd literally popped out like a frisbee.

I’m telling you, alienware is super good, I don’t have one, I just wish I did. Alienware sells stuff even Dell couldn’t think of doing (no offense, I luv dell), they juice up their systems sooo much and the designs are like super futuristic. Gotta love that alien.

I have never heard of such a thing happening Sharif. Have you ever used an OSX Mac for a reasonable amount of time? How can you make that judgement based on a couple experiences you saw on the net?

Anyway - the Powerbook is a great option. I know it seems like there are more options for the PC but just how many of those options are high quality? Not very many. You have to pick and choose your parts carefully and make sure that they all work well together - that can be limiting as well.

For the most part, industry standard software is available for the Mac and you can probably find a good equivalent for those that are not. And as already stated - more and more software companies are starting to cater to the Mac.

Hardware is expensive, but you are paying for quality that will last you a long time. I like using my Mac because it means I don’t have to repair or format it as often as I did with my PC.

The point about the lack of games is a good one. If you are an avid gamer, this may not be the option for you.

In the end, to each his own.

Oh by the way - what kind of things are you planning on doing on this laptop?

i wont deny it, i download apps off the net (lets say legal so no one gets upset)… anyone, you can do that kind of thing on a mac… right?

I’m a PC user too. I’m a game freak so a mac wouln’t please me neither I’m afraid.

About good laptops: For the Belgians among us: You can find pretty good laptops in ALDI from time to tome…
