What is your favorite web programming?

What is your favorite web programming language in building web applications? just tell me andi want to know which is the best? (e.g. ASP.NET, PHP, CGI, Perl, Coldfusion, etc.)


PHP is the best in the world!!!

coldfusion is good for flash app makers:)

asp is sad

cgi and perl is to old.

What is your favorite web programming language in building web applications? just tell me andi want to know which is the best? (e.g. ASP.NET, PHP, CGI, Perl, Coldfusion, etc.)


well I’m not as hi tech as lot of people around here. I only know html, dhmtl, php, some javascript and proficient with actionscript. I’d say that I like php a lot. I’m still learning but it’s been the easiest of all languages besides html so far.

Well a couple of threads ago, there something simular ( think there are many topics like this ) however i will enlighten you. There is no best.

i’d go for a combo php - with javascript
perl -> a very powerfull language aswell.

asp-> i am the wrong guy to ask that one lol

At the end its all comes to what do you like? Which of all those languages you handle the best without getting headeggs over the most simple things.

lol. Perl shakes head

Perl to me = [copy +paste (disaster)] lol

Again, it depends on what your doing. For dynamic content, I would choose php with mysql. Coldfusion is suitable for cms or some sort of database system.

Its differant but ones u get the hang of it… its kinda fun and not that differant from php.
its like switching from linux -> unix… there are some differances but on the long run it will sound familiar

What is your favorite web programming?

One thats easy enough for any designer to understand and impliment :stuck_out_tongue:

php i think =)

depends on pref… most people on this forum probably like php, and I do as well… but some love asp because it is often more complex…

I’m starting to learn asp and love it :smiley:

i bought a perl book and i have no clue what i was thinking when i did. = P

wow, this is the third thread I’ve seen the exact same topic of within the last three minutes :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

I’m not going to give my answer a third time, just look at it in the other threads :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Whahahahah… yea funny aint it.

Maby a bad book br0, perl is nice ( however if the perl feeling aint ures than … yea ure right )

I like Php.

XML is cool too, but I haven’t had as much time to get into that. It’s done some pretty cool things in people’s footers here though.

xml isn’t a programming language, it’s a object oriented database… and it’s incredibly simple :wink:

Ah shut up. :stuck_out_tongue:

You know what I mean.

PHP all the way :slight_smile:

What is PERL? I mean I know it’s another languages, but what advantages would it have over say PHP?

it’s much much more complex, and as others said, it can do like everything…

I Was CGI crazy… Before PHP came out…

Stept over when PHP version 4.1 came out… It Was easy and With MySQL (just like CGI) It was very handy. Though My hart lies with Perl/CGI, PHP saves lots of time because It’s so darn easy.

but CGI is better in someways then PHP… PHP is still an yougn languaes.

Young and full of energy.