What kinda tunes do you listen 2 when u r working

true very true audioslave does not compare to soundgarden in any way but hell its better than not letting them try to make some new songs and have a bigger diversity of music to chose from i personally like audioslave because of the mix of jazz and blues they have in their songs its diffrent from the rest of the pissed of rock bands and stuff yet its still deep and meaningfull

*Originally posted by xxviii *
**I really good place for this discussion would be WRAF forums because they are all about music. and I’m supposed to get people there ;):stuck_out_tongue:
click the link in my sig **

haha now when and i going to get a call to join, i already got a pm. lol:tb: :slight_smile: :bandit:

:)…jk xviivi

well audioslave being prepackaged music…i disagree because just look at bands like linkin park, limp bizkit etc audioslave is nothing like them

they are definite pre packaged music material

In flames are sum really heavy ppl, the singings crap but the guitar is awsome

yeah i know they are a metal band so i assume that they growl…any particular good songs though?

these days Im listening to some japanese songs, D-A-I in particurarly.

what about techno?..neone know of good techno?

well my fav. in flames tune is dialouge with the stars, but they got loads of cool tunes check em out :tb:

is it techno?

no i was replying to TOOL

ok…wel…do u know any good techno?

nope sorry, if u have KaZaA just search for techno

wel…i did…there are few…but i’m looking for more of a techno group that actually hav an album

hmm cant say i know any

thanks chiser, i dled Trigger last night and ill download that Dialogue with the Stars now…what other bands do you listen to?

audioslave are cool along with foo fighters and i like it all mixed in with a bbit of less than jake