What SCHOOL!?!?!

I was just looking into you know …the future…::sigh:: and since I live in orlando…I was wondering what you guys think of the school FullSail ( http://www.fullsail.com ) or what you guys have heard…if any of you have been there… you know that kind of stuff!!! :slight_smile:


wow that school looks cool, it is just like the one I am going to…I am taking Advanced Computer Hardware/Networking though, not any animation or graphics programs…

Fullsail has been mentioned a few times, so you may find a few more threads by searching for it. Here is search results after I searched for fullsail: http://www.kirupaforum.com/forums/search.php?searchid=110538

So is this place a college?

I’ve seen the adds all over the place… it looks cool but I never bothered to really look into it.

Yeah, it’s a college, I’m on their mailing list and get lots of cool magazines and stuff showcasing their students’ work all the time, and also keeping me up to date with what is going on. A while back they got a new G5 lab :smiley:

I was thinking I wanted to go here for a while, but now I’m thinking more of going to a traditional university, then going here afterwards if I’m still interested.

I personally would want to go to a university also. They seem to have a more broad scope of classes, and you won’t always be surrounded by people who also want careers in design, etc. <-- that could be good or bad, depending on how you read it.

I wish they had a West campus… :upset: .