What Server script are better to use? ASP or PHP

May i know some comment what are more better to use… ASP or PHP? why?

Well it really depends on what you need to do.

Some people like ASP, and others like PHP. If your not running a Windows server then you have to use PHP, becaue ASP is only for Windows servers.

I have personaly only used PHP and love it. I htink in the long run most iwll tell you its personal preference.

Also try a search, im sure this has been asked before :smiley:

There is the ChiliSoft extension and mod_mono (that’s for ASP.net) :wink:

Although I’d say PHP, others would swear by ASP… try them both and see which one you prefer :slight_smile:

I would go for PHP ( but thats just me, and above all i dont like anything ms produces lol ) However PHP is cross platform. Which one is faster, cant tell and basicly it all comes to what do u prefer, do you write youre code faster when using this or that…


start there and look in the samples section


start there as well

might help clear some things up about them both :slight_smile:

It depends…
What is easily available to you? What do you already know? What other products do you need to interface with? What is your budget? Do you know someone that can help you get up to speed in one of the languages?

If you - for instance - need to get data from a MS SQL Server database or some Access databases, then ASP is probably the best. If you want an open source solution then PHP is probably for you.

Personally I like PHP better than ASP.

very easy to learn for Flashers as the syntax is almost the same.
Open source, lots of free code downloads/tutorials etc…

You didn’t ask about ColdFusion, which is Macromedia and has good support too…?

I personally work with SQL Server 2000, Windows 2003 server and ASP.NET and i love it. I can store all my funtions in a dll and then call stored procedures, or dts packages. It’s the $hit. ASP is definietly more powerful.

this is what i feel, if you want to use whats popular, use php, else use ASP, asp actually loads slower than php.

$asp = expensive;
$php = cheap;
$budget = low;
print("Use php!");
print("use asp!");

Thats one way to put it accross :slight_smile: Besides its actually hard to find a good windows server :-/

Good windows??? :sure:

Nothing and i mean nada is more powerful than the other, all depends on how you create the $hit :slight_smile:

Powerfull is assembler however we are not talking about that …

I have php and asp running fine on my windows :frowning: server running apache…

I use php but I’ve been trying to learn some asp just for experience, 'cause this is the best time to learn, while I’m young :smiley:

lol, load up that java bean and start coding in java ( not javascript, you will find more use for that :slight_smile: )

I just setup the java app server three days ago too :smiley:

still trying to figure out the jsp/tomcat/apache/jas thingy and how it all fits together… if anybody feels like helping me I’d be greatful :smiley:

tomcat why u want that for… ( that my friend is a real ****** setting up ) other way is to load up a java bin and running with the apache… you can simply call java.classes from php or jars if you choose to do so. ( jars are kinda messy to start with tho, can be a hell trying to load them up correctly aswell lol )

Oh and get ureself a version of Eclipse to code with :slight_smile:

because jas told me to use tomcat… and I’m trying to host my jsp pages from apache and need someway to use java…

load up that bean man… really with that java bin ( its a sdk*.bin ) no need for tomcat. However ones running tomcat is nice… i have never used it but i came across it one time during some project. ( mostly java freaks using it… but if it really needed Hmmm… Cant be sure )

yeah but you would need some plugin for java in apache somewhere… somehow you have to parse jsp pages… what’s the mod?

you need to add that in ure php.ini and modify something in the start up of ure apache, ( however i have only done this with *nix machines… so cant help u doing it with winD)

And here is my final statement on the original topic

Active Server Pages (ASP)
ASP is similar to PHP in that it combines HTML, scripting, and server-side components in one file called
an Active Server Page. When the server receives a request for an ASP file, it will first look for the
compiled page and then execute it. If the page has not yet been compiled, the server will compile and run
it. The result of the ASP file is a finished web page returned to the browser.
An Active Server Page can be written using HTML, Jscript (Microsoft’s variant of JavaScript), and
VBScript. Through scripting, the Active Server Page can access server-side components. These
components can be written in any language as long as it presents a COM (Microsoft’s component
specification) interface. One real disadvantage to Active Server Pages is that they can only be used with a
Microsoft web server (IIS, PWS) on a Microsoft operating system (Win9x, WinNT). There are ports to
other platforms and web servers, but the lack of wide COM support reduces their effectiveness.

The last of the server-side technologies we’ll be looking at is the subject of this book: PHP. PHP was
developed in 1994 by Rasmus Lerdorf to track visitors to his online resume, and was released as Personal
Home Page Tools the following year. This was rewritten and combined with an HTML Form Interpreter
later that year in PHP/FI Version 2. This grew rapidly in popularity and by around the middle of 1997,
PHP had ceased to be Rasmus Lerdorf’s personal project and had become an important web technology.
The parser was completely rewritten by Zeev Suraski and Andi Gutmans, and PHP 3 was released in June
1998. Version 4 is currently in beta, and will see extensive additional functionality, including a new
scripting engine with support for COM components. Today, PHP is used by many commercial sites such
as http://www.q3arena.com and http://www.audiostreet.com.
PHP works in a similar way to JSP and ASP: script sections are enclosed in <?php… ?> tags and
embedded within an HTML page. These scripts are executed on the server before the page is sent to the
browser, so there is no issue of browser-support for PHP pages. Unlike ASP, however, PHP is platformindependent,
and there are versions for various flavors of Windows, Unix and Linux, and for a number of
web servers, including Apache and IIS. The decisive factor is that it’s free and open-source.


wait a minute… you’re saying that jsp pages should be parsed with php? :huh: