Hey guys, next year i am required to get an apple notebook (w00t! i cant wait!) but dont know what to get. I kinda ruled out that a 17" would be a bit well, pricy, but other than that everything is an option, i want to know what you think its the best bang for my buck! (remember this is APPLE!) i mean is a iBook enough or should i go with the PowerBook, i need a voice. thanks!
well if its an apple then get a powerbook and if youre gonna waste your money spend it well get the 17"powerbook, or if you really want get awindows laptop with winxp pro and maybe linux on it as well and install pcmaclan so you can network it on the private schools network
hahah- I just saw an ad for the new 17’ wide screen apple and it looks **** nice It’s just too bad it’s Mac
Just kidding, Mac’s are good and serve their purpose very well. I really do like their new OS and the simplicity of making all things apple work on their machines is nice - it’s just too bad there isnt much variety on the platform.